2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #40

Let’s start the week with the round-up. I took most of last week off my own blog and focussed on RAnet instead. There are a few updates there that took some time and work. You can read about them if you go into the News section of the site and scroll to the entry on 5 October. There’s been plenty of news this week, among them the two new trailers for the UV film.


I’m wondering whether I will be able to see the film, even though the tickets are bought. Things are not looking well in Ireland, in terms of Covid numbers. After Dublin went on level 3 restrictions, the rule had been extended to the whole of the country on 6 October for three weeks. That leads us neatly to the 27th of October. Strictly speaking, the restrictions are in place until midnight, 27 October, and include the provision that “all indoor museums, galleries, cinemas and other cultural attractions should close”. And so it looks as if I am losing out once again on being able to see the play. Meh. I hope you have better luck wherever *you* are.

Let’s cheer ourselves up with a bit of Armitage.


  1. Covid or not, at least we can see the fabulous gifs made by riepu10 from the UV trailers
  2. Mezzmerizedbyrichard has focused on Daniel Miller
  3. Intense Astrov here in this gif, too. We are all Sonya… By jassy2101
  4. Richardarmitagefanpage’s screen shots from the trailer are pretty spot-on
  5. Guy in the holy land, giffed by riepu10
  6. Richard’s pun game is strong. That’s why I am including this screenshot by astrovian of a recent little exchance RA had on Twitter with a journo who apparently interviewed him
  7. Thewarriorandtheking did a Thorin A-Z. This is U
  8. Riepu10 asks “green or yellow”. I’d say – neither 👎🏻. Or rather: get rid of that suit, RA
  9. Couldn’t agree more with astrovian on this one
  10. This week also saw a new plushie release by sinnaminie. Here’s Richard all snug as a bug
  11. Some more gifs from the first UV trailer, posted by astrovian
  12. *coughs* indeed, buildarocketboys. (Also, check the tags of the post and cheer if you agree 😉)
  13. OMG, these Thorin edits by incorrect-lotr-trash are hilariously ugly
  14. *giggles* Yeah, right, Thorin, right… Edits by stony-lisa
  15. This is the sort of What a Guy Wants that you could print out and display on the wall of your cubicle at work. Fits most situations, right? Posted by nfcomics
  16. *khehehehe* Yep, that’s a truth universally acknowledged. Post by cliffsecord
  17. Sounds familiar, gewn-ever, sounds familiar… even after 8 years
  18. Awwww, Guy, really????? 😍 Another What a Guy Wants by nfcomics

And we’ll leave it at that romantic note. Hope you all have a good start into the week.

Sonja ❤️

26 thoughts on “2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #40

  1. Yes, i agree with you regarding the restrictions keeping the cinemas closed. I hadn’t booked my ticket for the Vue in Limerick yet but i believe that BBC4 are to show it at some stage this year so we will have to keep an eagle eye for that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep. I was too hasty in buying those tickets (although I assume that I will be reimbursed by the cinema). Wishful thinking. I really hope they will make it available for streaming at some point.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I thought #17 was just me. Every. Single. Time. Sometimes even when I just see a photo of him.

    I hope that you’ll be able to see Vanya in a theater! Movie theaters in Los Angeles County are still closed, although they have opened at 25-30% capacity in two adjoining counties, which I find weird. I could drive an hour (or less), see a movie, spread my LA County Covid all over the place (if I had it) and drive home. Not that I’m expecting Vanya to be available in theaters here, well, ever. So I do hope they go with some sort of streaming availability. I’d be very happy to pay whatever for it, although of course it would be lovely to see Our Beautiful Man on the big screen where he belongs when he’s not onstage.

    It’s going to be a busy-ish and very, very hot week here. Yay. Hope things are going well for all of you lovelies.


    • Hehe, no, I get a bit of a flush when RA appears on the screen…
      I am really hoping for a streamed version, too, because frankly, even if the cinemas should be open on 27 October, I am not sure whether I am all that comfortable sitting in there now…
      Enjoy the warm weather while you can, LoLo. It’s become autumnal here, and I find it very chilly 😦


  3. Thanks for doing all that work on RAnet. I’m glad you were able to rescue it, but it sure sounds like a big job. That My Zoe review was very complementary about the nastiness of RA’s performance.

    I hope they’ll just postpone the Uncle Vanya showing. Hopefully they can get the case numbers going in the right direction.


    • Sorry, I hope I didn’t come across as whining about the RAnet work. I walked into that with open eyes, knowing that it would require ongoing work. The day-to-day upkeep is actually not too bad. The only thing that will require a lot more time, is catching up with projects that are already in the past, but did not really get updated at the time. I’ll dedicate a bit of time to that every week, and hopefully it’ll all be there at some point in the future 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Loving all the new Astrov goodies.

    2 Those are almost Thorntonesque ♥️
    8 Yellow all the way
    9 Yes. Totally agree.
    12 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
    13 😵😳
    15 Oh yes.
    16 😈
    17 Especially that last part. 😂
    18 Awwwwww. #WhatASweetheart

    I haven’t even gotten myself worked up re Vanya. Self preservation. I doubt it’ll be available round here, comfortable or not.


  5. yeah not bought tickets to the cinema-partly because our cinema of choice is in county in lockdown…urgh. I enjoyed the videos they released though
    well done on all the work on RA Net-this stuff takes a lot longer than you anticipate i imagine


    • I think that was a wise decision. I just couldn’t help myself and jumped at the tickets. Meh.
      Nah, I had a good idea what I was letting myself in for when I took on RAnet. The added complication is actually that the way the (new) site has been built, is different from how my blog works – even though they are both hosted by WP. But I am learning. Slowly but surely 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Cinemas still open here but only a max of 30 people are allowed to be in one room. This might change soon, new measures will be announced here tomorrow evening as it’s also going very wrong here with Covid numbers. Uncle Vanya doesn’t have a Dutch cinema release (yet?), but at least I’ve been able to see it live on stage a few weeks before lockdown.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My local cinema has shut too, along with my opportunity to see Uncle Vanya there. Hopefully it will be screened for all. Thanks for a hilarious and delicious crop of RA goodies.
    2) OMG what dazzling Daniels thanks to Mezz, gorgeous.
    6) I missed that tweet. Hmmm, Zoom interview – where’s that? Vulcan heritage had never occurred to me before, but now that he mentions it … Perhaps he and Hugh could be in Spocks?
    8) Neither too
    13) I’ll never, never, be able to look at Thorin in the same way again.
    17) Yes, and if other people are in the same room, it is excruciating.


    • 2) Even though not my favourite character, it is nice to catch up with Daniel every once in a while.
      6) It was only a reply to that Empire podcast presenter, so maybe that’s why it went under your radar? I had the same reaction as you, though – Spock???? I don’t see it.
      17) That’s even worse – when other people are present. Except if they are also fans.


      • RA does have unusually pointed ears, like Spock – perhaps not quite as extreme! High Montgomery is a BBC journo, I don’t think he did the Empire podcast. Hope not, and there is a new interview (although it might have been on the back of RA’s Guardian interview).


        • Now that you mention it, that’s true. I have noticed that he has a noticeable Darwin’s tubercle…
          oops, must have mixed up Hugh M then. And I know why and who. There was another reply by RA on Twitter shortly before the exchange with Hugh M, when he explained where and when he had worked as a Quasar attendant. The journo there was a Chris Hewitt, and he is the one who does the Empire podcast…

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Apologies to all, I’m a bit tied up this week so this is just a flying visit to thank Guylty for the round-up and say I’m crossing my fingers that everyone with tickets gets to see the Vanya play in a way they feel comfortable and safe.


  9. Thank you for the roundup and the inclusion. Given that the writers really didn’t give Daniel much background or depth (what there was was due to Richard’s skill I reckon) my interest in him is basically gratuitous – I love that look of his, the short but not too short hair and the stubble.
    Loved seeing the snippets of Astrov in the Uncle Vanya trailers, can’t wait to see the film, and hoping it will be screened in a way that I can see it, preferably more than once!


    • I like the way you put that, Mezz – “my interest in him is basically gratuitous”. Coughs, um, same here. He looked smashing, both in the slightly smoother version in S1, and then in the scruffy version in S2 and 3. I can’t even say which one I liked better. In S1 I loved that he was only stubbled. But he looked a little bit “artificially enhanced”. In S2-3 he looked more realistic (I loved the grey) but he had a beard, meh.


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