2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #11

Good morning, world. I do not want to miss another round-up this week. But before I launch into it, I just wanted to say a huge big thank you for your wonderful responses and messages re. my husband. I have felt the power of positive thoughts before and once again I feel that the blow of my husband’s hospitalisation has been softened by the love, vibes and prayers you have sent my way. Even if I haven’t replied to everyone of you individually, please know that I *very much* appreciate that you have thought of Mr Guylty and me. It makes a difference, I am certain of that.

But now the round-up, which I hope is going to be big and juicy, due to missing last week. Here goes…

  1. As a little nod to the links recently posted here on my blog to UATSC, I am including here a set of gifs made by mezzmerizedbyrichard of Chop
  2. Huh? What is colonelfitzwilliams on about? Lack of fan fiction??? Maybe we need to get in touch and post a few links. I actually recently read a really nice NS fan fiction from 2020 that reminded me how good fan-written fiction can be
  3. LOL sunnibits saw a selfie of Richard which I really dislike – but she turned it into a funny piece of fan art
  4. Mininottingham is giving a little insight into Guy and Marian’s bedroom. No worries, totally SFW!
  5. OMG, this clip had me literally chortle with laughter. Corruptedchopsticks has done a thing with Astrov. This is hilarious. Someone should tweet this at Richard. I think he’d find it really amusing
  6. How much confidence does it take to discuss RA openly on Twitter, asks astrovian. It’s an interesting question that we have discussed a lot over time. I occasionally voice my opinions pretty openly on Twitter, too, but have never really felt that RA takes much notice of his Twitter audience, anyway…
  7. Which two things do *you* wish RA would divulge? Here are astrovian’s choices
  8. Astrovian also “doodles”. Check out these cute drawings of various RA roles. My personal favourite is Ray. Camera porn, of course…
  9. Guy and his sword. This is exactly what you think it is. Made by riepu10
  10. Pretty NS lock screen designs made by mockscreens
  11. A close look at Sullivan, giffed by riepu10
  12. I was going to include this for the *camera* porn (not hand porn!!!), but astrovian’s first hashtag had me laugh out loud
  13. I love riepu10’s series of gifs of chaRActers with glasses. These two are definitely “special”…
  14. Riepu10 has also giffed the recent VoD anniversary interview with RA. I’ve got to say, he looks yummy in that
  15. You know that I love my crafts. But this piece of fan art by shealwaystakesitblack was unexpected
  16. I love this piece of fan art posted by ooowyn, and when you click on the link in the post, it takes you back to an interesting piece of background to a cut scene from TH
  17. Guy needs time… from What a Guy Wants by nfcomics
  18. It’s a much giffed scene, but this really encapsulates Guy so much. By ladyngisborne
  19. For some reason I wasn’t following the Mr Thornton tag and I missed some goodies. This one is a cool comic of the first meeting in NS by tinwhistlings
  20. An alternate film title for NS by obscurelittlebird. We should really come up with more

There we go, that was worth it, right?

Not presuming that you desperately want to know, but as a little update and without TMI I can say that Mr Guylty is now relatively comfortable in hospital and being looked after even by the “big wigs”. His breathing is better, thanks to oxygen supply, and some of the other symptoms are being looked at but are apparently reversible. Unfortunately his lung disease – called pulmonary sarcoidosis – is advanced, and the big scary T (“transplant”) word has been mentioned. It’s a prospect I don’t dare think about too much at this point. For now, he is comfortable, only bored in hospital. More tests on Monday. No news yet when he might be released, but hopefully some time after the tests have been concluded. – With all this going on, my own issues have faded into the background. I am not saying that as a complaint. It turns out that much of my symptoms (leg aches, chest pains, dizziness) have almost vanished as a result of understanding what causes them (lack of exercise, hormonal changes, overthinking things) and because of taking hour-long walks every day. So *I* am feeling much better. I have a physio therapy appointment next week which I really look forward to. I am hoping to set up a proper physio exercise regime to deal with my lower back (and legs). But I am also going to have my bloods taken and an MRI to see what else needs to be addressed.

And now I am going back to my domestic distraction. I have a list of household chores I want to get on top of, and I am currently coffee staining lots of paper for my junk journal making…

Hope you have a lovely weekend, all!

Sonja ❤️

51 thoughts on “2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #11

  1. Glad hubby is doing much better. transplant is always a scary word, so I’ll continue to pray.

    As for you… exercise is always a good thing. i’m losing weight (30 pounds now since Thanksgiving. NONE of my clothes fit and I can’t afford to replace them) but Spawn and I are going to try to get back into the gym after spring break. (Week after next)


      • Our media specialist told me I”m not allowed to werar ‘baggy clothes’ anymore. Can’t afford them. HOping my belt comes in soon!

        I might have to purchase some new foundation garmentss tho. THOSE are too big now! That’s a first!


          • I wish. I don’t have the funds. At all. My paycheck took a beating thanks to Long Covid. I didn’t get paid for 2 months – had to cash out both of my small retirements and then it STILL wasn’t enough, so they recalculated my payscale and I’ve taken a 25% paycut until the end of the contract – August. Right now, I’m just paying bills and not eating out. Spawn is cooking like crazy!


  2. Sorry to hear that your hubby is in the hospital, but glad that he is getting good care. I hope they can get him home to you soon. And I’m glad you are feeling better about your own symptoms. I too find that understanding what’s going on goes a long way. Good luck with the physio.


  3. #2: How about a post with links to new-ish fanfictions (of all RA properties, not just N&S)? Then we all can chime in with other links in the comments. Reading Is my biggest Coronavirus time killer, and I, too, could use some suggestions. To this crowd, only, I will confess that, in desperation, I’ve even read a few romance novels in the last year. I have discovered that they are not just 1970s bodice-ripper fare any more. There are now some with explicit sex scenes that are…satisfying enough. Because we can put Richard in all of them in our minds, right? I’m “casting” him in other “properties,” that’s it.


    • Yes, that’s a great idea. As I said, I recently read something which I liked (and which wasn’t a reader insert fic), and it really re-sparked my love for fan fic.
      Oh yes, “romance” is something entirely different nowadays. It definitely gets the imagination going *coughs*


  4. So glad to hear Mr G is getting good care, and delighted that you are feeling more positive about your own health. It must be very worrying that a transplant could be on the cards. I didn’t know much about pulmonary sarcoidosis so I looked it up. Mr G sounds very unlucky to have such a bad case. Positive vibes for both of you winging their way to Dublin and huge hugs ❤️

    Lovely roundup – #19 is a classic! The more I see of Sullivan, though, the more I hate that wispy beard 😣


    • Yep, it’s really unfortunate that Mr G got such a bad case of the disease, especially as he used to be a very outdoor-sy type of guy, always active, hiking, camping etc. Not being able to keep up has been really hard for him. I just wish he had initially (i.e. before he was diagnosed with sarcoidosis) gone to the doctors sooner. Typical man, he just ignored it, and the disease progressed further than it needed it to… But well, it is what it is, and we can only hope that he can get some relief.
      Sullivan’s beard is an abomination. Well, I guess they needed it in order to tone down the attractiveness of the man *haha*

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sorry to hear about your Hubs girl. Hope his health continues to improve and he comes home soon.

    Back to work now coffee break is long over, but my best thoughts for good things heading your way. 💟


  6. I’m so sorry to hear of your husband’s illness. Hugs and healing thoughts across the miles to you and Mr. Guylty. Glad to hear you are feeling some better. Physios can help so much! I’ll do some healing meditations for you.


  7. again good wishes for your husband and you! 🤞for good physio! from what you wrote here on the blog I think you do a lot of things sitting down like writing for work, writing the blog, crafting at you desk etc… from personal experience I know that with so much time sitting, it really needs daily stretching (the most important thing for me) and light core exercises and some daily exercises or sport or movement that you enjoy, plus at least 1-2 times a week of some “serious” workout or hiking, biking, dancing,… whatever you like… to keep mobile and strong and not get back pains or a stiff neck etc. also quite nice are those fancy desks that are quickly adjustible for working standing up, or sitting down but sometimes even little adjustments to the chair you are using and/ or the sitting positions or the height of your desktop, the height an angle of your screen etc. are working miracles as well.


    • I will have my physio appointment today, but I think that she is going to prescribe exactly the same thing that you are saying here, Anja. You are dead right – I spend most of my day sitting at my desk, blogging, translating, writing, crafting. With the daily walks over the last couple of weeks, the pain has already gone (almost) completely, but it just shows that exercise is exactly what I need. I am way too stiff for my age, and need to address my lower back pain, too. I suspect it’s going to be a long session today 🙂


    • Just as a follow-up – you were absolutely right, Anja. Two (short) walks a day minimum. Also a light stretching exercise for the lower back twice daily for the next three weeks until my next appointment. Also getting up from the computer every 40 minutes. I need to work on my sitting posture, too – hard work, as habits are just so difficult to break. I have to consciously tell myself not to cross my feet underneath my chair… But at least I have a starting point now…


  8. Mr. Guylty in hospital, so sorry to hear that. He has always been one of my heroes for making the first RA shrine. His sense of humor is a great match for yours. I will send positive thoughts your way from California. Please give him a socially distant hug from me.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Good to hear that Mr G is comfortable and that you are feeling much better. Currently dealing with a health issue myself, I totally agree with you and SueBC. Understanding what is going on with your body and being proactive once you know what needs to be done, all helps to ease the anxiety. Take care xx


    • Sorry to hear that you are also dealing with a health issue, Mezz. Really, I often think to myself “this whole experience of being cooped up at home with NO social pressures, could be sooo good – if it wasn’t for little ailments here and there”. At least now these ailments can be tackled.


  10. I am glad that Mr Guylty is more comfortable. Wishing you both all the very best with his recovery. It’s great that you are feeling better. It is true how symptoms can magnify when the causes are unknown.
    With all that is going on, thanks for providing this corker of a round-up.
    1) Chop’s tongue on that rollie is rather mesmerising.
    7) I’m with Astrovian about the character diaries – they would be fascinating. It would also be helpful if he divulged his addresses – heh heh. It is a mystifying why he doesn’t!
    20) Alternative N&S title: A Pucker Lips Now? A friend said this yesterday in relation to something else.and it keeps making me laugh. I think it is appropriate for N&S!


    • Thank you, J – and spot on. When you don’t know what’s going on, it kind of becomes scary. (At least that’s the way it is for me – I think for Mr Guylty it’s more like “if I can ignore it, it isn’t serious”…)
      Chop and his cigarettes are a bit of a turn on. Like Ricky Deeming. Shouldn’t be but unfortunately works for me.
      LOL on the addresses… yeah, that would be helpful!
      A Pucker Lips NOw – omg, I had to read that twice before I got it! Ingenious! Definitely works for NS!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Good to hear that Mr Guytly is doing alright and hope he can come home soon! Yes, scary idea about the transplant, but cross that bridge when you get there. Good to hear that you are also taking care of yourself. Sending all my positive thoughts your way.


  12. #3: Interesting Thorin transformation. I didn’t see it with that photo, but Urban and the Shed Crew prompted the Thorin comparison to me. I saw the movie, finally, recently, at that link you posted (thank you). It struck me that there were some dark shots of RA’s face as Chop which, with the long hair, made him look Thorin-ish. Which made me sad, again, for RA that the Urban movie didn’t get a broader release. Other movie industry people might have seen it and also made the connection, earning him more “credit” for his work in the Hobbit movies, which he has admitted people don’t know it’s him under the hair and makeup.


    • I actually did not see the similarity with Thorin, to be honest, but I absolutely agree with you that it is a pity that this film did not get a release at all. And I am saying that even though I still believe the film is flawed (in terms of actual film-making. The acting is fabulous all round, but script, editing and story just didn’t quite gel for me. It lacked focus. Having said that, it still is a story worth telling.)


  13. K, not going to remember exactly how it played out, but back before the Hobbit was announced, I’d made store signage for our Romance sections in the stores with an old RA image. For years, no one commented; that I had noticed anyway. Then after the first Hobbit release a mother daughter noticed it was the Thorin actor. At one point after the daughter (maybe 14, 15? Not sure anymore, but young) gushed about how cute he was. The mother told her ‘he’ was too old for her.

    I never acknowledged the exchange, but found it amusing as they both seemed to like RA, but I think the mother wanted him for herself. Can’t blame her either. 😆


    • LOL, that sounds about right. I think I have read quite a few comments on tumblr where young fans described their mum’s reaction to RA. He really catches them all, doesn’t he? (And I totally get how the mother wanted him for herself. I mean, seriously, all you young fans out there, go look for a cute guy your own age and leave the few old ‘uns for us 😂. )

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Thanks for a lovely roundup, Guylty, especially when you’ve had so much on your mimd. I’m continuing to think of you and Mr G, and sending healing vibes across the miles.

    On the fanfic front, may I put in a plug for Dreamerfiction? There’s something there for everybody, with a handy by-character index to speed up your searches as well. DF is now under new management, all are welcome and the old glitches have been sorted out – well, most of them I think. 😂 Looking forward to seeing you there!


    • Pleasure, Jenny. In fact, putting together the round-up was a lovely distraction. Really, I should be blogging every day, but I don’t want too much of my personal stuff to sneak into the blog.
      Dreamerfiction is great. Ha, and that reminds me. Besotted suggested a fan fic recommendation post. Well, maybe I can do that tomorrow – get more blogging in and also provide distraction to the RArmy…


    • Re: dreamerfiction. I have tried to get an account there before (unsuccessfully) and now after your comment I thought I’d try once again but I never seem to get past the first confirmation email where it reads “Your account is currently inactive and will need to be approved by an
      administrator before you can log in. Another email will be sent when this
      has occurred.”
      first try was a few months ago but no further reply and now, when you posted this comment here, I tried again with another address, got the confirmation email on monday but nothing since then…do you know more about that confirmation process?

      Liked by 2 people

        • yey, I’m in 😀
          thanks a lot!
          so it seems you can join only when someone who is already active in the forum vouches for you, that’s why it didn’t work for me before 🤦‍♂️

          Liked by 1 person

          • I’m not even sure my message got to them, lol. I don’t know that it was me specifically — they really want new readers. I had the impression that they had changed the requirement of knowing someone who was already there. Anyway, have fun!

            Liked by 2 people

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