Focussing on the Positive: Milestones!!! #RA50Auctions

Good morning all. Just because we have encountered one snag, doesn’t mean that the usual MO is left behind. We may be dealing with a delay, but there is *one* auction already live, and a first of my customary early-morning milestone posts is due.

In fact, several milestones have been passed. So much so that I have scrapped my planned “threshold” edits and started anew with stones. Let’s look at the story so far:

The auction of the Guy of Gisborne jacket started yesterday at 3.09pm (GMT) with my modestly set starting bid of €100. Within a matter of 11 minutes (eleven!), the bids had made the first milestone of €1,000. 😱 It didn’t stop there for long. Another three minutes in (or 14 minutes since start) the bids were at €2,000. 😱😱 Another seven minutes (or 22 since start) and the €3,000 milestone was reached. 😱😱😱 Finally, about one hour (or 61 minutes) since start, the high bid was at €4,000. 😱😱😱😱 After that, bidding – understandably – slowed down, but reached €4,250 overnight. That is $5,006 for our US fan sisters, so I am counting that as milestone #5. 😱😱😱😱😱 You gotta celebrate any opportunity you get, right? Thank you to all bidders so far! Amazing commitment!

Whooosh – that jacket is slaying all results in one fell swoop. Not a surprise, of course, but the speed of the bids rising *did* astonish me. What can I say? My expectations have already been more than met – and I suspect there may be more movement on the auction as we come closer to the end. Two days to go, though! As one commenter on Twitter already quipped (I think it may have been ZedEffEye?), Richard better dust off his Platinum card. 😬 Sorry, Richard. Not sorry. 😉 All for the good cause, right?

Also a big thank you to all of you for the kind and reassuring replies on Twitter and here on blog in response to my apology re. the delay of our fan-fronted auctions. Thank you for your understanding and kindness. I am still frustrated and disappointed, but at least I am not feeling quite as embarrassed anymore, knowing that you understand. I am hoping to hear back from eBay around lunchtime; if not, I will be asking for a call-back and/or pester them via chat. It needs to be sorted so that we know where we are at. I stress again that at least the Guy jacket auction is not affected by the current suspension of my selling activity on eBay. You could actually say that the Guy jacket is *responsible* for the breakdown of the system 😂. Bad bad Guy, holding up the flow…

Or taking revenge for selling his jacket???

In any case, let’s celebrate where we are at, anyway. I will communicate the next developments as soon as I hear anything. And I’ll try to get through the comments and at least acknowledge the tweet replies. Thank you for all your support. I appreciate it very, very much!


34 thoughts on “Focussing on the Positive: Milestones!!! #RA50Auctions

  1. Dear Sonja, may the Force be with you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Amazing amount of work has been done. I hope all will be resolved soon. Much love ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Helen – and supersonic is the word. Ha, maybe the jacket is a black hole that is going to swallow bids? 😉 It’s already at a point where I am more than delighted. So cool.


  2. That result is ridiculously (in a good way!) awesome already! I wonder where it will end. 🙂 LOROS will get such a great contribution this year in celebration of Richard’s 50th, it’s so exciting.

    Liked by 2 people

    • It really is. It is so thrilling to be involved in it – and that involvement extends to anyone who is following along, no matter whether bidding (yet) or not. As much as RA may dislike the number 50, but at least this is acknowledging a milestone birthday…

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m with you. As you know, so expected four figures, but not such high four figures in such a short time. I wasn’t at home when it was live and the fiat bid I actively saw was something like 1,500 €. Absolutely mind blowing.


  4. Maybe Guy *is* mad about his jacket lol- hopefully he understands this morning too and will let the show go on! It’s still very exciting, and I hope they raise your limit prontissimo.


    • I am now in conversation with them, and after sending them a loooooong explanation, they are looking at my case and consider whether they can give me a temporary raise. Hope they come back soon.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It seems like a no brainer, they can see the auction, they can see your Twitter posts as well as Richard’s 🤷‍♀️ It’s only temporary for this month, and you’ve run several of these charity auctions before too. Seems like it would be good PR for Ebay tbh, but what do I know?


        • I suspect these things are caught up in digitised bureaucracy, i.e. they have their systems automated and in place to flag anything that is out of the ordinary. I don’t mind the rules so much – I just wish that it was possible to communicate directly, talking to a human being, rather than writing in a chat… I could explain everything in a matter of minutes…

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Sonja,

    thanks for all your efforts. I’m sure it will all be sorted out in time.
    You mentioned, there would be a chance to donate apart from auctions or buying, but that it can be added into the final sum nonetheless?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Herdis – thank you for your reassurance ☺️.
      And yes, donations will definitely be possible. Ha, I had the details all written up in my (delayed) auction post. I’ll be sure to post the donate link in my next update, this evening. (Or, if we are lucky and eBay is on the case, maybe the auctions might even go ahead by then… still waiting for them to come back with a reply…) But just in general: Donations go via this Paypal link to me, in order for them to be transferred together as our birthday donation. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Aw, Liz, thank you for your kind comment.
    Hehe, yes, those milestone edits are always a bit of extra fun for me. I mean, I *needed* to have a picture of Guy in there, and then the rocks were the next step 😉
    And if you make it to Dublin, we definitely have to meet up for a cuppa! Be sure to be in touch with me!! I love meeting up with my fellow fans 😍


  7. Guy is definitely responsible for the breakdown of the ebay system in only 22 minuts by causing a rift in the time-space continuum, hihi 😊 And he will take revenge for disappointing you and reopen a massiv black hole on Wednesday 😊 Please don’t be disappointed. It’s the only thing that worries us. We will have extra special days for the other donors (even if after the first auction) and the items with fixed prices are also very lovely. It will be a bigger and better birthday party as we expected or imagined… 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am glad to be hearing so many positive reinterpretations of the set-back. Yes, more party, please 😁. And focussing on the good things – great success of jacket already. Hopefully there’ll be movement on my eBay case, soon.


  8. Hehehehe, warte mal ab, was in den letzten 10 Minuten abgeht … 😀
    Mr. Guylty sollte besser mit einem Defibrillator bereit stehen!

    PS: Richard macht das Internet kaputt, Guy eben ebay. Liegt wohl in der Familie. 😛


    • 😂 Echte home- und internet breakers. Ich sage dir, Mr Guylty ist seit Tagen schnippisch und hört sich mit einer Mischung von Zynismus, Schadenfreude und Unverständnis mein Geheule über die Verzögerung an. Heute morgen auch wieder so eine Aktion von ihm. Die Türklingel geht, er geht zwei Stockwerke nach unten um zu öffnen. Kommt wieder hoch: “Das war die Post. Riesenpaket für dich da. Von Richard Armitage, der dir noch ein Riesenteil zum Versteigern schickt.” Haha, war natürlich nur ein Witz, KEIN Paket (von niemandem). Aber symptomatisch, was ich mir gerade von Mr Guylty gefallen lassen muss. Ich glaube, er ist ein bisschen eifersüchtig 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ja, bislang war das alles hoch theoretisch und daher wohlwollend belächelt. Jetzt hat der Meister sich selber eingeklinkt, da ist das schon ein anderer Schnack. Unsere Männer haben es wirklich nicht ganz leicht. Mr. Kate sagt schon nix mehr, wenn ich das Handy im
        Minutentakt bediene. Außer ab und an süffisant “I have to check on my bid for the jacket.” 😂🙄


        • *rofl* Oh ja, die haben derzeit einen echten “Field Day” – perfekte Gelegenheit uns mal (so richtig vom hohen Ross runter) ein paar Spitzen zu verteilen 😂. Naja, sollen sie ruhig machen. Wir haben *unser* Entertainment, und sie ihres. Wie sagte da nicht noch Mr Bennett zu Elizabeth? “Come, come Lizzie. For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?” 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  9. Sounds even higher in Canadian dollars — now at $6,358 CAD! I notice that it is a group of 18 people bidding on the jacket… I wonder if there will be a few more towards the end? Wish I had unlimited funds, but unfortunately, no. As for the delay on the other items, I think in some ways that it is not undesirable. The jacket and the rest of the items are almost two separate auctions, and perhaps better that we get a lot of the jacket bidding done first and then our little corner of the fandom can concentrate on the smaller items.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hehe, I wanted to do “thresholds” and had saved a number of pictures of Guy and doorways. But well, when all these “thresholds” were crossed within the space of an hour, the milestone concept seemed to make more sense…

      Liked by 1 person

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