#HoHoHolidayFundRAiser Appetiser #1

To whet your appetite, I am going to show you some of the cool items we will have on offer in the fundraiser – both in the fixed-price sale and the auctions.I had a different teaser planned for today, but change of plan because I would like to recommend you hop over to Rachel’s blog and check out her maker post. As in previous years, Rachel has put on her thinking cap again – and has come up with a cool custom-made item for our Etsy sale. Go check out her post first. I’ll wait here.

I hope you’ve left a comment for her, because how – cool – is – this??? Well, Guy girls, you can wear your preference on your lapel now! Available soon in the fixed-price sale. And there will be 60 of the brooches available, so hopefully one for everyone (who wants one).

So, reacting to Rachel’s post, the theme for today’s appetiser was set. Quite fittingly, because it appears that Guy is still getting much love. A consequence of the “jacket of love” that fired up our birthday fundraiser? Well, I am biased, anyway, because I am a self-confessed Guy girl. But staying with the theme, here is more Guy love on offer:

Anne works her magic with paper again and brings us Guy in a gorgeous paper frame/picture holder. This is just a small glimpse of the finished product. It will be available in the fixed-price sale!






If you were there for the RA50 Fundraiser, you may remember that Young’s custom-made washi tape was quite the hit. I cunningly held back one of the washi rolls for use in the HoHoHoliday FundRAiser. Here it is. It may say Robin Hood on the packaging, but it is full of Guy! Only one available – unique and special! This item will be auctioned off on eBay!





Guy with red roses in a bell jar! Guess what, you could sneak Guy onto your Christmas tree with this little jar of leather hotness made by Armidreamer. It’s a tried and tested item which was sold out quickly last year after much demand. So watch out for the Etsy sale where these will be on offer.








And last but not least, Kate has done it again! Following the success of her unique, handmade tags in the last fundraiser, Kate put her creative mind (and her Big Shot cutting machine) to work and created this (and other) gorgeous window ornament. Guy, the dark angel, right? You will find it on Tuesday in the fixed-price sale! (Oh, and just a little shout-out that Kate is planning to show off her “RAngels” RAdvent Calendar-style, one-a-day, from 1st December! Because she made 24 of them!)








What? Do I hear someone say that the dark knight from a “family show” is not your cup of tea??? Well, I really don’t understand why but don’t fret! I promise you there will be other much-loved chaRActers represented in the fundraiser. Just wait until tomorrow and I will disclose more!


28 thoughts on “#HoHoHolidayFundRAiser Appetiser #1

  1. Gosh, I thought the good things were available in this spectacular summer fundraiser but now it seems there is a boost in creativity and craftsmanship again. I was in summer to late for Etsy, but now I hope I will be more successful.
    There are really artists out there

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fingers crossed you are lucky this time round, Bea. While I absolutely loved the shopping frenzy last summer (as soon as I put the listings online, my phone started chiming with the incoming sales), I did understand the frustration of some who missed out. Hopefully the two-batch approach will level it out a little bit this time 😊

      Liked by 2 people

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