2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #43

Guess what? We are returning to the regular schedule. Hooray. With the whole fundraiser thing happening, I have missed the last three weeks’ round-ups. So there should be a nice loot today. Let’s get right into it!

  1. According to your-eyes-can-be-so-cruel, 2006 was a good year. Unfortunately before my time. But yes, it sounds pretty good…
  2. Never not reblog Richard at DOS premiere in Berlin 2013. I’d say that was another pretty good Christmas… Posted by richard-armitage-fanpage
  3. And another one by richard-armitage-fanpage with (new) photos of Richard as Ray Levine from Stay Close, just because I haven’t seen them in blogland yet
  4. I really laughed out loud at this meme by astrovian. Touché!
  5. Astrovian has put together a picture set of chaRActers with children. Are we missing some of his older work here? Portah with Lexi, and whatsisname from Between the Sheets with his little daughter
  6. Lathalea did Sleepwalker. I.e. she watched the film for the first time and recorded her reactions in the notes of this post. Some funny observations in there
  7. Apparently, Thorin’s arms and hands were up for sale. Astrovian found the auction. (LOL, I’m just thinking: Imagine *that* had been the item that RA donated to our birthday fundraiser 😬)
  8. Some very pretty Lucas North courtesy of riepu10’s gifs
  9. And some very pretty Ray Levine courtesy of astrovian’s picture set
  10. Riepu10 has giffed and gifted us all the snippets of Ray from the SC trailer
  11. Richard and literature, put together by riepu10. Basically all the shows he’s been in that are based on a work of literature
  12. Sorry for my late notice, but here is a link to trrriple-rrr who is reposting her advent calendar stories this year, plus a new story on Christmas Eve
  13. Since I haven’t seen MZ yet, some of these gifs looked unfamiliar to me. But still hot *haha*. Anyway, gifs by silverfoxleto
  14. Cute and funny Bagginshield comic by hobbitsoupbowl
  15. Oh wow, look at this Bagginshield piece of artwork. That is really good, also an interesting concept. By mysandwichranaway
  16. LOL, yep, that’s what a Guy wants… getting out of the leather. By nfcomics

Not too bad for a bit of a catch-up.

Time for the weekend! I am packaging up the Christmas gifts to my mother today. We have finally decided that the current Covid situation is such that we don’t want her to travel on two planes and through three airports and then possibly be confined in quarantine on both sides. So she won’t be with us for Christmas 😢 but celebrate with my aunt and cousin instead. Today is the last day for sending packages to Germany in time for Christmas, so I better get my skates on.

Hope you have a lovely 3rd-of-advent weekend!

Sonja ❤️

23 thoughts on “2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #43

  1. Sorry to hear your mum won’t be with you for Christmas but all things considered it is the safer option. It is sad though that people’s plans are changing again at the last minute, especially at this time of the year.


    • Yep. We were thinking back and forth over the question, but in the end it was my mum who said she was worried – more for the sake of my hubs rather than her own. It’s for the better, and it is bitter, too, but well, at the first possible opportunity we will rebook the flight and see each other again.


  2. Thank you for the roundup. Oh to have been around in 2006–it sounds magical.

    Sorry to hear about your mom’s plans, but I would have made the same decision. Hopefully it will all calm down come spring and you’ll be able to have a visit. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just the thought of being able to tune in, week-by-week, and get a new piece of RA on telly…
      We are already making plans for a first meet-up at the beginning of April. Little Miss Guylty will be doing an ERASMUS term in Munich from March, and we might all visit her in April for her birthday. Fingers crossed that the pandemic will at some stage peter out. That’s my Christmas wish for this year…

      Liked by 3 people

        • Yup, she only got 1 semester even though she wanted the whole year. But in the end she was happy that she was given the scholarship at all. She received her official admission letter last week, so it is definitely going to happen. Fingers crossed now that she will also get a room in the student residences. (Otherwise we can pay through the nose for a private room – Munich 😱) And yes, maybe I can extend my trip a little bit and do a tour of all my friends living South of the “Weißwurst equator”…

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry about your mom not coming. Totally understandable, but… Christmas, right? Spawn and I are hoping to go after Christmas to see my dad. We have to wait until I get paid and he’s got work obligations. Hoping for at least 5 days. Make the trip worth while.

    I’m not a Bagginshield fan, but both the comic and the artwork were lovely!

    Richard Armitage fanpage always has great stuff. Always!

    There are reasons why you won’t find early Richard on Astrovian’s tumblr. None of it nice. I’ll leave it at that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christmas indeed. At least last year my son was with my mum. But well, we’ll see each other as soon as it is possible next year.
      Hope you’ll have some lovely time home with your dad, too. Well deserved after this year.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s a great collection 😊 Berlin hair really was fabulous, wasn’t it? And very pretty Lucas is the understatement of the year – swoon! Loving the literary roundup in #11, too.

    Sorry you won’t see your mum for Christmas but it’s certainly the wisest choice I think. 😘😘😘


    • Berlin hair was just the best. I mean, all of Berlin. The whole look. He was movie star gorgeous.
      Both my mum and I are reconciled with the decision. The fact that we talk every day via Facetime makes it so much easier to bear.


  5. I know exactly how you feel. My parents will pass their Christmas in Italy once again, instead of joining us in England like they used to do pre-Covid. It’s hard, I feel it even more this year because i can’t see an end to this nightmare. But I’m not illing to put them at risk. And hopefully next year we can all be here together. Lots of hugs to you, if you are anything like me we act strong to not worry them but inside we feel the pain even more.


    • Sorry to hear that you are facing the same dilemma, Manu. It’s tough really tough living in a different country from your parents when there is a pandemic raging. I have set my hopes on late spring next year. My mum had already booked a flight for Christmas, so we have to reschedule that. At least we then have something to look forward to.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, same here, I’m hoping to go to see them next May. It is hard, never thought the World would come to this in our era of technology and development, and then a glorified flu virus sends us back of a 100 years…But lets keep positive thoughts and hope for the new year.


        • It’s crazy. Mind you, I have often wondered whether something like that could happen. After all, we have had a few scares like SARS and swine flu before. But never would I have thought that it takes two years or more…


  6. That is a shame about your mum, although it is a sensible decision. Hope you get to get together soon.
    Hello round-up! It’s great to see you again and thank you, Guylty.
    1) I remember those heady days – and I didn’t realise Richard was in Dibley until it started (as I wasn’t really on SM) so it was an amazing Christmas surprise.
    3 & 10) Loving the Levine tatts and rings.
    13) Although the brown eyes are not a plus, that last gif, with RA’s slow sardonic upward look, is mesmerising.


  7. Hello, Sonja. At least, your mom is ok and youwill meet again. I know it’s hard not to have her nearby during Christmas, but with the help of technology, problem is silved. It’s for the best…


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