Here’s to you, Richard!

Happy birthday to you! I know you neither need nor want any presents, and you have requested donations to your charities instead. But let me at least send some good karma your way – as a sign of appreciation. Because a birthday is opportunity to give back to the people we appreciate. And even though I do not know you, have hardly spoken to you (apart from a stammered ‘thank you’ at the stage door), and could only look at you through the filter of my lens for fear of giving away how much it moved me to stand in front of you, I am glad that you exist. Because you move me. In a good way.

Your convincing, nuanced and respectful portrayals of a wide variety of characters are a pleasure to watch. I love that you put so much research and preparation in your work. It inspires me (and others) to strive for always giving our best. Your humility when deflecting praise, and your generosity in crediting and promoting others, are heart-warming. I like your wit and cheeky humour, and you are a feast for the ears, both when extemporising, as well as when acting or reading. You have a knack for choosing interesting roles. Yes, they occasionally stretch my boundaries, but then again, it is nice to be challenged every once in a while. As a fan, I am delighted by your friendly conduct towards your “well-wishers”. You seem like a pretty decent guy. And a pretty, decent guy (punctuation matters!) at that. Because let’s be honest here, it is nice to look at you, as well, however much of a genetic coincidence your appearance may be.

Three and a half years in, I am still not tired of watching your work, of hearing what you have to say, and of following your career. And that is probably the highest compliment I can pay anyone; you sustain my interest, you have made a lasting impression.

For your birthday I wish you the same: That you continue to find interest, joy and fulfillment in your work and in the encounters you have in your life, face-to-face, or remote.

I have saved a special bottle for my virtual toast to you. Pinot Noir, of course. Here’s to you, Richard!


39 thoughts on “Here’s to you, Richard!

    • The Thorin Pinot Noir tasted really nice, I have to say. I used to be more of a white wine-gal myself, but thanks to Richard I have expanded into red wine. Pinot Noir is quite delish. Thornton’s chocolates – how could I forget!!! I should’ve brought out a bar of that!!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Bottom’ s up. If I wasn’t on vacation I would write a poem. Just wait til next year. Epic birthday wishes thoughtfully composed. Well, maybe not, it is me. After all.


  2. Hoch die Tassen. 🙂
    Und ja, es schadet nie, ein wenig pretty zu sein. Nehmen wir es halt billigend in Kauf!
    Btw: Ich wußte ja garnicht, dass das DEIN Berlin-Bild ist 🙄


    • Prost, pretty boy 🙂 Klar, die Augenweide ist nur schmückendes Beiwerk. *hust*
      Und ja, das ist mein Bild. Selten gezeigt, da wieder mal technisch daneben. Aber das tut der Augenweide ja keinen Abbruch (siehe oben).


      • Ich hatte mir das auch schon in meine Fotosammlung geklaut. Irgendwie sieht er darauf recht untypisch aus. Ein eher ungewohnter Gesichtsausdruck. Fein, dass DU ihn eingefangen hast.
        Wenn auch die Qualität mal wieder, also, ganz ehrlich, ich muss schon sagen…. *sie schüttelt ihr ergrauendes Haupt*……


        • Ja, der leicht offenstehende Mund und das unverbindlich-freundliche Lächeln… das kennt man irgendwie auch von sich selber, oder? So wenn einem irgendjemand etwas erzählt, was man selber nicht so richtig kapiert 😀 Ich hab dann auch immer so ein unverbindliches Lächeln auf der Visage…


          • Jetzt wo du es erwähnst 🙂
            Dieser leere, ein wenig dusselig, freundlich unverbindliche Blick, wo man doch eigentlich sagen will: Hä, was bitte? Das ist eine echter Schnapp(schuss). Der Typ ist echt echt. (Kein Schreibfehler 🙂 )


    • Thanks Mezz – I probably could’ve praised him more, but well, all has been said by others before me. In any case, I hope the karma boost was received by him. Probably more important than the actual words…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful photo Guylty, I’m guessing another of your Berlin collection, I really do love those pics.
    A lovely Birthday wish too, I hope he surfs the net occasionally and reads something nice like this. xx


    • Yup, that was in Berlin. RA had spotted the sign I had made to let him know where some of his fans were standing (It sad “Armitage Army cannot keep calm” in German), and I captured him when he turned to one of his companions to hear her translate the meaning of the sign.
      Ah, whether he reads this or not is not really important for me. I suspect he’d squirm if he read the praise. And I don’t really want to make him feel uncomfortable. But if his karma receives a boost, then that is enough for me. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Well, I wouldn’t say I “met” him. Or that he met me. Far too short an encounter. I saw him, I doubt he saw me. No complaint – that’s the nature of it.
      And hehe, luckily I did not have to hold the sign. I made it and took it along, but I was too embarrassed to hold it. Plus, I had a camera in my hand. Luckily my fellow fan UtePirat held it for me… Thanks again for having met nice people through Armitaging…

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