Finally Back – The Fan A to Z #I

Almost two weeks on from the auctions and a week after the final donation – it’s taken a bit for me to recuperate from all the excitement. Apart from all the admin there was trouble with my newly bought Macbook (which failed upon set-up and is still with the Apple repair service as we speak – talk about a bad start…), meeting an old friend, a recording session in the studio (watch out Armitage, my voice career is taking off), and seeing off Linda60. Busy busy busy. Before that, however was my little trip through Counties Mayo and Sligo with Linda60 the weekend before last, and here is the customary, quick photo gallery before I finally launch into the Fan A to Z.

The next trip through Ireland is already looming on the horizon. I’ll be exploring the Northwest corner of Ireland – Co. Donegal – with dear CraMERRY. The car is booked, accommodation is reserved, and if this whole journalism malarkey isn’t going to work it, I think I might have a career in tour guiding…

In any case, I am finally picking up the Fan Challenge again. Good thing that I scheduled that thing – it may have been ages since I wrote the last instalment (23 July, actually *eeek*), but at least I now have something to write about while we are apparently again in a drought.

I – What made you come out as a fan and participate in the fandom online?

Two things: The irrepressible urge to talk about this fascinating and desperately hot actor I had just discovered, combined with Murphy’s law purporting that you *must* totally waste time when you really do not have any extra time at your disposal *at all*. Armitage mania hit me in spring 2012 – just as I was slipping into the last throes of my degree finals. I was busy photographing my final project, writing photo analyses and visual diaries for assessment, as well as studying for my written exams. All that on top of my usual work load of writing articles and looking after my family (with two teenagers). I think it is totally comprehensible that a woman needs something pretty to look at in such times. A distraction from the pressure of day-to-day life. The infatuation with Armitage rabbit hole consumed me. Reading through the entire back catalog of posts on me+richard, losing myself in slash fan fiction about Guy and Robin, catching up with three entire seasons of Spooks, and clicking through each and every gallery on RAnet was all done without coming out from Lurkerville. But the need to respond to all the intelligent and interesting things that were being said about my new movie boyfriend on various platforms online finally overpowered me. I think I left a comment on one of fedoralady’s fics first, then a comment on me+richard. And when I saw this little gem, I capitulated and posted.

Not my gif but by Hiddlespeare on tumblr

That whole interview practically slew me. If you need a reminder: Here it is on YT.

Forever thankful to bccmee2 for this fangirl cut!  OMG, just rewatching this now gets my pulse speed up again… the deep(er) voice, the shirt sleeves stretched over the bulging biceps, the whole chunkiness – combined with the reserved, almost shy demeanor. Chr*st, that even makes me forgive and forget the beard and just helplessly fall for that irresistible guy…

Ok, I am rambling. So, to wrap it up – I threw myself into the fandom online when I quickly and eventually realised that I wanted to contribute to the then-lively discussion and production of fan content beyond leaving comments. My gif-making skills are nil, I hate Photoshop with a passion (not ideal for a photographer, I know), and the fan fiction corner was already occupied by better writers than me (not too mention my lack of patience for long-form writing), but I realised that my background as a photographer might give me something original to contribute – in-depth analyses of photos of Richard. And thus a terrible beauty was born…

No regrets, though. Even though the analyses have been replaced by funky little shrines and the occasional poetic outburst, the interest in fandom and movie boyfriend is still going strong. I’m glad it happened this way.

91 thoughts on “Finally Back – The Fan A to Z #I

  1. Eep…I’ve never seen that interview before. *Thud* Just as I’m getting geared up to start work. Oh well. Another viewing or two won’t take too long or be too distracting, right? Thank you for the insight into your RA beginnings!

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    • Oh LL, you have got a lot to catch up with. That sounds smug and condescending but is actually said with envy! It is just so delicious to discover anything new, anything as yet unseen. You have so much to still look forward to – I wish I did, too.
      🤔And now I am thinking that I might have to write a recommendation post for you and for Michele and anyone else who is relatively new in this infatu… fandom… Could be fun. Cos it means I will have to go through all those interviews again…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Please and thank you! I would love a recommendation post like that! I’ve been trying to cast my weary brain back over my own tRAjectory. Hopefully no one will be too horrified by my inability to recall dates or exactly the order in which I saw what. I do have a notoriously bad memory (caused by childhood trauma, tbh…the human brain is a marvelous thing when it comes to protecting itself) and while it’s good to forget bad things, it sucks not to be able to remember good things.

        Anyway, I *think* that my first sighting of The Armitage was in Robin Hood, hence my deep and abiding love for all things Guy. BBC America must have been showing reruns because it certainly wasn’t the first run and I watched the majority of the series on the DVDs that I immediately bought. And then I went on to North & South and The Impressionists. I will confess that the YT videos, particularly “Sexy Back” and “Womanizer” had A LOT to do with my complete and utter capitulation to RA. I was actually beginning my particular RA journey a few years ago but when my life got derailed by my brother’s illness and death in 2015, and my father’s illness and death last year, I was interrupted before I could really get truly going.

        But now I’m back and better than ever! I’ve seen only a few episodes of Spooks so am looking forward to binging that and am going to subscribe to Epix so that I can see Berlin Station. I….um…er…don’t like Tolkien that much so I’ve never actually seen any LOTR or Hobbit film (please don’t hate me, my friends). I did try to watch the second film at a screening at work but the frame rate annoyed me so much that I left. I’m about 20 minutes into the Cahalan movie but tbh, his American accent annoys the hell out of me. Not that it’s horrible by any means, but ick. It distorts his voice so much and, I mean, ick.

        As you well know, it was your wonderful work and blog that prompted me to delurk, to the small extent that I have, and I am immensely grateful to have such a kind and nonjudgmental environment in which to discuss our lovely man. And what a treat it is to be introduced to all the videos, fanfic, photos, etc.! The story about why RA could have been so deliciously mussed for the photo shoot with him holding the “woof” sign? THAT is the most perfect fanfic I’ve ever read.

        Okay, fingers are getting achy so I’d best stop for now. It’s quite humid here and the arthritis is acting up. Was at the office on Tuesday night from about 6 pm until 3 am (after working at home all day), writing that big press release I’d told you about, and crikey, my joints be a-achin’. Ah, the thrilling life of a writer. We love it so, don’t we, dear Guylty?

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        • LL, so what is the fanfic behind the woof sign? I met Richard thru Berlin Station in Jan of this year just by happenstance perusing on New Years Day on Epix which came with a movie package thru my cable provider and was intrigued by the title. When I saw that tall, lanky guy come on screen I just bolted up and thought who the hell is THAT? Then googled his name and dove in. I still haven’t seen Urban or Pilgrimage (although that is available and I want to hear him speak French sigh sigh). I wasn’t a Tolkien fan either although I was read The Hobbit in grade school like Richard was by a wonderful teacher as well. I think you would like the Hobbit trilogy, my fav was DOS the middle one. It has a wonderful cast of characters and Thorin is swoonworthy in his own way but the story is sweet and touching and the level of hard work that went into making it is so evident. I’m in the minority on Berlin Station bec I really liked him in it but he has an American accent but the intricacy of the plot in BS1 I thought was brilliant and he just radiates sexiness from the suits to the running gear to the hoodies to the skinny jeans and I love his interaction with Esther (Mina Tander). I will admit that if he is killed off in BS3 I will not watch it anymore and it will tank also in my opinion. Brain on Fire-I saw it on YT for free and will not revisit it again but not bec of his acting or Carrie Anne Moss’. I just think it wasn’t very well made and should have explored the topic in a better way.


        • Hooray, another Guy girl. Totally irresistible, that Guy. I mean, the show was a laugh, and it wasn’t necessarily aimed at an grown-up audience, anyway, but boy, that Guy of Gisborne with his eyes on fire, pining for Marian, just literally took my breath away.
          Spooks is a great show to get into. No need to sit through all the six seasons prior to Lucas North’s emergence – seasons 7 and 8 are fabulous. Season 9 – well, not so much, even though Lucas is actually very much the lead character in the whole thing. But what they are putting him through, is really not very nice.
          BS – well, I guess there is a reason why I insist on shortening Berlin Station to BS all the time. I was never fully convinced by that show. The Brain movie – yet another opportunity missed by film makers to utilise the skills and talent of a great actor.
          Glad you liked the “woof” fan fic. To this day, one of my favourites. While you are on AO3 you should take the opportunity and read the other fan fics by RAllatrix – they are all great. There is a *great* series that starts with “New York, New York”. Fan girl dreams!!!
          As for the thrilling life of a writer – LOL, indeed. Hence we keep writing in our free time, even after the workday has ended…


  2. Speaking about chunkiness I just watched his 5 episode stint on Ultimate Force where he was baby faced wide eyed, ultra conservative haircut (brown!) and hunky chunky in uniform I might add! A huge shout out to Zeemuse for sending me those episodes to download. I love your writing– infatuation um I mean rabbit hole..just such a great description.

    Your pics above are just breathtaking.. my fav is the road pic and the coastal water pic with the signage that looks like a guy surfing/swimming upside down on a wave.


    • Ultimate Force – well done to you for sitting through that. I think I watched it once (hugely tempted to fast forward most of it, save the scenes with baby!RA).
      if you like the chunky look, Strike Back is even better! 😍😵
      Hahaha, and yes, I had the same thought upon seeing that sign near the cliffs.

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      • Haha! Actually Ultimate Force as a precursor to Spooks wasn’t that bad.. and speaking about catching up I viewed Marlise’s interviews w/ Richard for BS2 and The Crucible (Sue and Serv were so kind to send me the YT links for both) and I thought Marlise was funny and sweet. I mean who launches into a sex question right off the bat and she had the wrong season and then to give him a bear hug coming at him with those hair extensions and boobs full center at the Stage Door, bless him for taking it all in stride.
        I do like him bulkier. I think he is sexier and more alluring with more meat on him.. I like the beard too now and I use to really think beards were a major turn off but now.. and David Tennant in a beard is also swoon worthy (um hmmmmm) I don’t cheat though… I’m a loyal girlfriend!!

        Please any recommendations are eagerly accepted!!! I have major fan envy here…


        • Oooooh, controversial topic, Michele. I have seen those Anglo Channel interviews only once, I think, because I found the interviews excruciating. I have no wish to ever sit through them again. In fact, I have banned them from my memory *grins*.
          Beards… can grow on you *hahaha*
          Recommendations coming soon.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yeah I think she is just a fawning over eager celebrity seeker/worshipper and not a journalist but I will say the Crucible one was like a backstage pass and since that shipped sailed 4 years before my time I am happy to get a small glimpse into what you all were lucky enough to see. When she commented about “getting the poster with him half dressed or naked” I was just guffawing this morning because it was so cheesy and funny esp with her hubby behind the camera-like who would say that professionally? The BS2 one I think he was humoring her and maybe mindfucking her at the same time and she would think he was charming and a gentleman.. I think it is harmless and the two of them having a chair rolling contest I would gladly do that with him and even make him trip falling into my chair or lap!!


            • *phew* for a moment I thought I might have offended you with my doubts re. RA. I just don’t enjoy her brand of reporting – I find it “übergriffig” (nice German word, only badly translated into “invasive/encroaching”). Particularly the one done at the Crucible SD. I don’t really want to come across as suffering from APM, but in that case, it appeared to me as if RA was completely taken by surprise. Those who had been at the SD, all had the impression that he generally “wasn’t quite there” when he did the daily SD gauntlet; as if he was in a haze, still in Proctor’s head, exhausted from 3 hours of acting live on stage. For a camera crew to hijack the SD and put him on the spot, seemed quite rude and disrespectful to me. But well, maybe I *am* in APM… However, I guess the clip at least does give those of you, who haven’t had the privilege of seeing TC live, an idea what the SD afterwards was like…

              Liked by 2 people

              • Oh you could never offend me. Yeah he looked I guess shocked that there she was arms ready to bear hug him and he seemed dazed and a little discombobulated. I think she’s a tad narcissistic in that she’s there for her own self promotion and does n’t take into account how he is feeling.
                I’m in total APM w his Instagram pic w a certain somebody and I don’t mean Mina Tander who I think is totally cool!

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        • Michele: Investigate fanvids on YouTube. They were a revelation to me. I am still amazed at the talent and creative cheekiness displayed. Two early faves of mine were Heather’s many compilations to Sexy Back (which was my introduction to Justin Timberlake’s music, so much I’m learning from other fans!) and bccmee’s birthday (and other) vids.

          The guy HAS to be flattered at how much time so many people have spent making these products and adoring him.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Thank you so much!! How sweet of you
            and I barely have scratched the surface of his online interviews and YT vids. Most of the lingo I’m finally getting w/out googling or texting my sis for answers ie lmao I feel so old world like a time capsule has opened for me this year and out sprung all these magical and wonderful blogs and commentators!!


          • Both of these are super!! I definitely think if he knew the extent to what his fans or um admirers think about him and his talents he would be beyond flattered.. He must peruse YT since he just tweeted late last night a video so maybe he is aware of some of what is out there on him….

            I’ve replayed some of his interviews on YT several times and each time I pick up something new in what he says or his mannerisms or the answers or how he uses his hands or his body movements, or….


            • I LOVE the Sexy Back and Womanizer videos. They definitely helped to catapult me along La Rue d’Armitage. I seem to remember there is a video of him being interviewed on a chat show and the male presenter shows him a few seconds of Sexy Back (the speedo clip) and RA flings himself off his chair to mock-strangle the guy. So he definitely knows about that one!

              I’ve seen only the Marlise interview when they do the chair race and find her generally harmless. She’s obviously besotted by him and he’s so sweet the way he takes it all in stride. I love to watch the different interviews, too, Michele and watch the way he uses his hands. Between getting distracted by his hands and the sound of his voice, I often find myself having to watch the videos a few times to pay attention to what he’s actually saying. Damn, that man makes me feel and act like a teenager sometimes! It’s undoubtedly a good thing that I’ll never meet him IRL because what a fool I’d make of myself, lol.

              Liked by 2 people

              • LL, yes yes yes! I concur all of the above. I have had to watch several of his interviews several times to really understand what he is being asked and how he responds. The one where he gets up to strangle George with the Greek last name is Canadian. He is being asked a rather risqué question about his sex appeal and he I think looks off guard and reacts by getting up and mock strangling George. George is not the greatest interviewer either, not a Seacrest but not Barbara Walters. I think if we ever met him I would take the nieces with us as a shield to get us in the door because they are fearless then hope that I don’t pass out when he stares with those electric blue eyes or you would need to resuscitate me!!!

                His hands and his eyes are I think just mesmerizing esp how he uses them playing Guy although the Guy hip action is very hot as well.

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              • Besot is a great word to describe her interaction w/him and I think he knows she’s harmless and maybe he likes that she’s so forthright although she is a very touchy feely person which for some people is ok. I’m reserved so for me if a guy except our Guy were that overtly friendly I don’t know that I would engage as well as he did with her..hmmmm


  3. Hach, die guten, alten Hobbit-Zeiten…. *träum*….
    Ich erinnere mich noch gut wie alles begann: Wie immer habe ich alle Infos rund um Peter Jacksons
    Tolkien-Verfilmungen verschlungen und sämtliche Anhänge der extended Version auf DVD andächtig betrachtet, als mir dieser Schauspieler wegen seiner wunderbaren Stimme auffiel. Es war tatsächlich nicht sein unbestritten gutes Aussehen, was mich faszinierte, sondern seine Art zu sprechen… weswegen ich auch erst durch den Originalton auf der DVD aufmerksam wurde.
    Ich forschte nach – hatte noch nie zuvor irgendetwas von ihm gehört – fand diese freundliche, kleine Ecke im Internet, die faszinierenderweise Deutsch verstand, und heute bin ich (immer noch) hier, auch wenn mich seine letzten Projekte nicht mehr ganz so sehr begeistert haben, wenn ich das hier so sagen darf. Darf ich?


    • Du darfst hier alles sagen, was du willst, Elanor. Die Stimme ist ein nicht wegzudenkender Teil des Gesamtpakets Richard Armitage – integral, könnte man sagen. Vor allem während der Hobbit-Phase. Noch tiefer, noch beeindruckender. Ich war bis dato eigentlich kein Tolkien-Fan, aber sein Mitwirken da hat mich wirklich überzeugt!

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  4. I’d no idea Ireland was so beautiful. And you had the King along with you too. ❤ Lucky there was that defibrillator handy for anyone overcome by his majestic self.

    Thanks for sharing your fandom trajectory with us, it made fascinating reading. It was RH2 repeats for me followed by those YouTube fanvids –anyone remember them? And the back catalogue. But I only lurked on blogs etc.for years along with a little scribbling of my own to prolong my fix. And a sneak visit to the Crucible and the Conversation as well. But eventually I couldn’t resist saying a belated hello, you were all having such a good time. 💐

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ireland can hold it against New Zealand imo. Some parts of the country will literally blow you away – with wind and beauty!
      LOL – yes, the defibrillator definitely made me think of how useful one such could be when faced with the majesticity of the Armitage…
      YT fanvids were instrumental in my fandom journey, too. If it hadn’t been for the Guy of Gisborne fan vids that I stumbled across once I started looking up Armitage after Spooks, I wouldn’t have fallen for him so hard.
      Glad you eventually said hello, Jenny. The more, the merrier!


  5. More beautiful Ireland pictures! I was hoping to do a trip there this fall, but given that I’ve now done three trips this summer, it will have to wait. Maybe next year.
    Was Thorin your gateway role into Armitage mania? Thanks for posting the video. It was great to watch that panel interview again. Such a great look for him — muscles and beard. 🙂


  6. Beautiful photos as always,S.
    This post reminds me that I haven’t even started the A-Z fan challenge – as you say, it’s looking like an RA drought so a good time to work through it. New laptop, hubby back at work = no excuses!
    I loved reading how you came out as an active participant in the fandom, as I have with others relating their experiences. I remember when you started your “ooof”s 😁 I also remember the overwhelming need to discuss RA with other like minded people, a need which finally led me to de-lurk; the hours spent catching up with back posts of the blogs in 2011, watching YouTube videos and buying/watching DVDs of RA’s work. Seeing him appear for the first time in ages at the press conference in the above video – what a rush of emotion that was! Feeling teary, the sheer pleasure of laying eyes on him in all his gorgeousness, then he spoke and oh myyy…… 😍


  7. Oh yeah, that was a lovely interview!
    Your holiday looks lovely!
    And glad you are so creatively active in Armitage fan-land.I always love seeing the photo comments, the shrines, the auctions, the comments, etc. – just all your posts, really,! 🙂

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  8. I have to echo Esther’s appreciation of our host here, what would we do without you hun? A lovely and wise lady, always entertaining, looking after us with posts, shrines, photos, links, auctions etc etc.

    Also Guylty, as you know, you were the catalyst for me to come out as a fan.

    I began by loving Lucas ( and being very VERY angry about what they did to the character, all the while appreciating Mr. A’s phenomenal acting to try and make the frankly ludicrous story arc of Spooks S9 believable) then going backwards and catching up on Guy, and several Johns and a Claude (M).

    Adored him in ‘Dibley’ – didn’t we all? Impressed by The Hobbit trilogy and wept buckets at the end, even though I have known the facts of Thorin’s fate since we read it at school when I was about 8.

    Then I went to The Crucible at the Old Vic and was absolutely totally lost. Blown away. It is one thing to see people on the screen (film or TV), but you know they have a chance to work on the end product. It can be done again if not perfect, but on stage, every performance is linear and unique, changing on the day, depending on the individual actors, their reactions and timings, slightly different inflections, and the reactions from the audience which is one of the reasons I love it. This was absolutely phenomenal!

    Later I got involved with the crowd-funding of Urban and managed to go to Newcastle at Easter, where I got chatting with some lovely people including My Hero 🙂 This prompted me to ask Guylty for a badge to out myself next time. We corresponded and here I am. I am so thankful to Guylty especially; and all you other lovely ladies who have made me feel so very welcome and I so appreciate all your talents and being involved in the joint good causes, all the while NOT being guilty about obsessing over a very good looking, talented, hardworking, intelligent and generous-spirited man. Long may it continue! xx

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  9. Thanks for the mentions — I’m always surprised that people read old posts but happy when they do. Of course, there are many more there now. That interview was a landmark for me, too — about a year into fandom and published on my birthday. It felt like a sign (Wink mit dem Zaunpfeil).


    • Oh, I often click on the links you provide within new posts, and that is also very often a stepping stone to getting lost in old discussions and other posts on the topic. It’s dangerous, actually, because you can really spend hours perusing old posts 🙂

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  10. I know I’m late answering this. But real life can be so distracting. For a long time I followed Mr. A’s career privately. I mean no one I knew had any idea who he was so what was the point of saying anything about a BBC TV actor. But I wasn’t idle. I started googling him and reading everything. was only one of the sites I read through and followed religiously. I made a list of everything he had starred in and began to track down opportunities to watch or listen to him.
    One day I googled something that led me to a blog No Where in Particular RA by KellyDS. It was hilarious and creative and uplifting. It was eyeopening to find other fans who wrote entire blogs devoted to one guy. I mean that’s devotion. And I had the opportunity to express myself in the Comments. I found some other blogs but they often seemed to be devoted to nitpicking RA’s choices or show plots; basically they just seemed to drain all enjoyment out of simply being entertained. It reminded me of English teachers who would take a wonderful piece of literature and parse the shit out of each sentence; basically destroying any enjoyment of that story ever again.
    Then I discovered Guylty and her fabulous RAPS. I was in awe. I was inspired. I even made a few shrines of my own, combining pictures of Mr. A with quotes from the wonderful books by Deborah Harkness, another obsession of mine that’s costing me a lot of money. Guylty’s blog was funny and entertaining and, most important, I didn’t feel like I was being lectured at.
    About this same time I discovered the groups on Facebook. It was wonderful to finally be able to confess my love and adoration for this man with other like-minded women, some of whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. I also became brave enough to let my real life friends in on my secret obsession too and discovered that some of them were fans too. Life is pretty good.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, Kelly’s NowhereinparticularRA is/was a great gateway drug!! Such a shame that she has replaced RA with Dan Stevens. Mind you, she’s just starting a new series of fangirl questions and is including Richard in that, yay.
      Thank you for your lovely words about my blog – it’s only as good as its readers, so thank you for reading, commenting and taking part!!


  11. I can really relate to your thoughts on being lectured to. I too am elated in finding such a wonderful blog as this one by Guylty. I am new here just discovering Richard thru Berlin Station then googling the hell out of him and finding his work bit by bit. I’m still not thru yet. Some I can’t find (ie VOD wedding episode) and some I have begun to watch over and over (ie North and South, Robin Hood) But what I love about Guylty’s blog plus two other ones that I have been commenting a lot is that I can express my personality more. I was soo walled up for so long from some stuff that happened that finding this blog has really been therapeutic. I cannot really put into words how genuinely happy and excited I am to read the posts here and the comments. I have learned so much about so many things incl books, theatre, travelling, selfies, jewelry, to beard or not to beard, and most importantly the RAPS. The creativity and innovation behind them are just amazing. I love hearing about the other commenters stories and how they feel about Richard and the interactions are positive, honest and emotional at times but that is what makes them relatable and real. I keep coming back for more each day and that makes me very happy.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Michele, check out YouTube for VOD episodes. I own the entire series on DVD but I think some are on YouTube too. Some of his early work is on YouTube too, especially the documentaries like The Great Sperm Race and Jutland. Also, check libraries. I went to and made a list of every thing he’s been in, narrated, whatever. Then I found that the libraries here in Houston had access to DVDs of his work. Sometimes they borrowed a few from libraries in other cities. I still haven’t found his Frozen, and trying to view Urban and the Shed Crew is driving me bonkers but I have managed to see everything else he’s been in…so far.

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      • Greetings, I saw VOD The Handsome Stranger on YouTube like 20 times. I view it when I need a pick me up that there are decent sweet guys out there even if they are make believe. I did not find The Wedding episode on YouTube. I saw Frozen on Amazon rented it for $3.99. He looked sooo young!! I haven’t seen any of the documentaries so thank you I will check those two out. I am trying to get a new library card bec I have sooo much reading to do also with all the recommendations on this blog. I feel exactly like you with Urban I tried to download it awhile back off that Blenheim Films site and it did not work. Ugh… I am dying to see that.

        That is awesome that you live in Houston. My parents and sis live in San Antonio and my best friend lives in Flatonia. Alas I used to have a DVD player that my brother gave me a Xmas long ago but I am technically challenged so I never set it up (bad Michele bad). They know better than to give me any mechanical device.


  12. Pingback: The Fan A to Z – #J | Guylty Pleasure

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