2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #16

The stupor is over! My modus operandi over the last couple of weeks was mainly characterised by rage. I wasn’t in a good place to write. And so I didn’t. Everything just enraged me so much, thanks to the frustration of powerlessness and despair I feel myself in currently. I won’t spoil the intro with it all now, if you want to read more, rant follows below the round-up 😬. Instead I’d like to thank lovely fellow fan Korinka who yanked me out of my above mentioned rage and stupor with her e-mail this morning, sharing a dream she had had that featured me and a certain someone. All fully above board, of course 😅. It really cheered me up and I finally felt like tackling the round-up without having to scream 😉. So, thank you to Korinka – and a little apology to all readers for missing last week’s round-up. At least that means that we will have double the fun today…

  1. Never mind the caption, but just the b/w dark negative space gif with Thorin like a ghost looks great. Posted by yourqueenunderthemountain
  2. One of the lesser known characters – a gif set of Tom Cahalan, by whumpneto
  3. Maybe for some of you who are more recent fans, here is a gif set of a delectable looking RA during Hobbit times at a promo for NZ. Gifs by mezzmerizedbyrichard
  4. A digital painting of Trevor Price by astrovian
  5. Richard and horses… or steel steeds? Pictures put together by mezzmerizedbyrichard
  6. And another, definitely really lesser-known character. Craig Parker. Ok, in fairness, he really was just a walk-on. Posted by riepu10
  7. Last night, UV aired on public TV in the US, if I am not mistaken. Good enough reason to include drldeboer’s set of Astrov screenshots
  8. I might have to call in Dr White, considering my problems with rage and sleeplessness. Gif set by riepu10
  9. Mininottingham goes Vitruvian Man
  10. Thorin spring time art work by lathalea
  11. An interesting post on the symbolism of Guy of Gisborne’s coat of arms, by medieval-sharktheme112
  12. Angelicstellarr on the mullet
  13. Is Guy a misogynist? What a Guy wants by nfcomics has an answer
  14. “Merhobbit”. Now, there’s a ship I haven’t seen before. By corruptedchopsticks
  15. Super cute tiny Thorin by temporoyales

It’s so quiet on that Stay Close set, isn’t it? Not much news coming out regarding RA these days, and the one time something came up this week, it was tainted by casual misogyny. If you are neither on tumblr nor on Twitter, it may have passed you by – unless you read Kate’s spot-on post. For me, it just totally fit into my current state of outrage. In a nutshell, Adam Deats, one of the directors of Castlevania, felt it necessary to get a cheap laugh at the expense of both Richard and his fans by labelling the latter “the mom segment”. Kate has already made all the necessary points about the inappropriateness of such remarks; her reaction is well-worth reading. – Unfortunately, of course, this is not the first time RA’s fans have been given this unflattering, condescending and rather sweeping characterisation. What flummoxes me is why people feel the need to label and deride others in this way? What do they gain? If we are an embarrassing audience segment to have, then why mention us at all? I don’t expect any special thanks from producers for being a viewer (or even a consumer of their merch), but I’d like to be treated the same way as everyone else, and not be reduced to my reproductive organ. But if that is the only language they understand, then here’s my message to Adam Deats: You’re a dick. (And a rather flaccid, small one at that, who isn’t even big enough to apologise when it is needed.) Suffice to say that Castlevania is not exactly top of my list anymore. Sure, the mom dollar won’t be missed by the “penis brigade”.

[Mega rant following – tune out here if you want]

Granted, I am easily outraged these days. The rage is simmering very close to the surface, much like a volcano in Iceland. It is now six (6!) weeks since my hubs “missed” his vaccination appointment (because of no fault of his own) and nothing has happened ever since. The vaccination people never rang back with a new appointment. Two weeks in, we flagged it with his GP who fobbed him off, saying that she couldn’t give him a new appointment, he had to wait his turn, and “please don’t contact me again”. The respiratory department in the hospital knows, as does the outreach nurse, they have said they have put Mr Guylty back on the list, yet nothing has happened. It’s hard to maintain my trust in them. I have been on to the HSE (Irish government health service) hotline twice and spoke to someone. “He has to wait his turn for his age group.” I’ve DMed the HSE on Twitter. “Nothing I can do, it’s the GPs who put the patients on the list.” I have even asked my own GP who immediately declined on the basis that Mr Guylty is not her patient. It doesn’t seem to matter that husband has been classed as Group 4 (= very high risk patients) and is a virtual prisoner at home, dependent on oxygen. Meanwhile the vaccinations in Ireland have moved on and we are already on Group 7 and we get triumphant news from friends with this or the other ailment (non of which on the scale of husband’s life-threatening lung condition) who have received the vaccination. It also doesn’t help to read on Twitter that people (not in Ireland, granted) who are not in immediate physical danger, have received vaccinations on the basis of their mental health.

It enrages me so much that I am powerless to get my husband, who really needs it, vaccinated. I’ve tried all avenues, but (for obvious reasons) the public cannot get in touch with those who make the vaccination lists. This frustration is what makes me so easily outraged these days. Aside the obvious danger for Mr Guylty, it is basically my daughter’s life that is on hold. She is extremely concerned for her father – and who can blame her for that – and as a consequence has become a hermit herself. In the last 14 months she has seen her friends only a handful of times, afraid that she could catch the virus and bring it home to her dad. She’s missed out on a whole year in college (which only took place virtually), and with her long summer holiday now starting after her second year, she is not making any plans. No backpacking around Europe, no summer job, no visits with friends “until Papa is vaccinated”. In essence, it is not just the people who are very high at risk from the virus, but also their immediate family whose lives have been put on hold. Because we need to protect them and have to act accordingly. I understand and accept that that doesn’t justify me or my daughter jumping the vaccination queue, and I would never ask for that. But it would already help if at least our husband and father had the protection of the vaccine. As it stands, we are waiting for next week when the self-registration for vaccination is opened to the 55-50 yo age group. Who knows how long it will take from registering to actually receiving the vaccination.

I apologise for my selfish rant here, but in all honesty, I needed to vent my frustration. I know that none of you can help, and that many of you have experienced similar delays, or even worse, losses. And it is not an attack on anyone who is lucky enough to already have received their vaccination. My rant is not to diminish your needs, your right to receive the vaccination or your relief and joy that you have already been vaccinated. It is just an expression of frustration and powerlessness.

[Rant over – you can safely resume reading here]

I don’t like finishing on a low, so here’s something that makes me happy: I have started preparing for the birthday fundraiser. Yes, indeed, we will have another of those community drives this August, not least because one kind fellow fan has disclosed to me that she has already dispatched a package of goodies for the auctions to me. Some crafty souls have also hinted at their contributions, too, and so I put on my thinking hat this week and am currently in the process of creating some prototypes for the fundraiser sale. Some orders for the necessary crafting materials have also been put in. I’m starting early with the production, but then again, we want to have a nice number of “mass items” at our disposal. If you feel like you have an idea for contributing to the fundraiser, you are very welcome to get in touch with me – you can e-mail me at guylty@photographer.net or DM me on Twitter @GuyltyPleasure.

Phew, with all that said –

have a lovely weekend!

Sonja ❤️

61 thoughts on “2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #16

  1. §$§%§&%/%%^)%((§!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Es ist unglaublich, dass jemand, der wegen eines medizinischen Notfalls, der – o Ironie … – auch noch durch seinen Höchstrisikofaktor bedingt war, den ursprünglichen Termin nicht wahrnehmen konnte, auf einen Termin in seiner Altersgruppe warten muss. 😦

    *sämtliche Daumen drück*

    PS: Dein Glück, dass du aus freien Stücken den Absatz von wegen “selfish rant” gestrichen hast! So muss ich nicht zu dir kommen und dir gegens Schienbein treten. “Selfish”, ja, nee, is klar … Tststs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Naja, ich mag ja in meinem Armitage-zentrierten Blog nicht zu viel von meinem Privatkram abhandeln, aber manchmal muss man einfach so in den Äther schreien, um sich irgendwie zu befreien. Es ist einfach so frustrierend. Ich glaube, dass die Altersgruppe der 52-Jährigen am Donnerstag mit der Registrierung dran kommt. Mal sehen, wie lange es dann noch dauert, bis der Impftermin tatsächlich stattfindet.


  2. Rage is an appropriate reaction to the vaxx situation (and I can attest to it: having reduced the likelihood that I will infect dad to the lowest possible level has removed a significant stressor from my life). I wish I could send you some vaxx (vaxx hesitancy in the US now means our vaxx numbers are declining). You have my strong sympathies.

    Deats: I think what bugs me most about the misogynism it is that it was in fact casual. Castlevania was never high on my list of faves and I find Warren Ellis’ anti-clericalism both exhausting and boring, but finishing it was on my list of things I’m looking forward to in three weeks and now that’s kind of dead. I did buy a lot of Trevor merch because I like the character and find him entertaining. I will still watch it; I’m not canceling Netflix; but I doubt I will buy any more merch, and I doubt I will display it after the move. I had almost suppressed my memory of the sexual misconduct situation around Ellis enough to watch season 4, but I already have enough negative feelings without the reminder that I’m apparently not supposed to be enjoying Castlevania. I’m not going to be able to watch the end of it without remembering the insults and the implication that I’m not somehow as worthy of an audience member as whoever it is that Deats thinks deserves to be in his audience.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Serv. And I find it very encouraging to hear that your dad‘s vaccination has already proven that it really reduces the stress levels of the relatives. That‘s what I am looking for and looking forward to. (By and large, Ireland seems to be very pro-vaccine, I think.)
      Yep, that casual, unthinking misogynism just shows that the industry (particularly the comic/animation/graphic novel/gaming world?) is dominated by toxic masculinity. In what world is it funny to antagonise an audience segment? In a world of men who are shaping the industry. It was a sexist and ageist label that was completely off the mark – as you have often said yourself, this „community“ is not as homogenous as the outside (including RA) makes it sound. Anyway, like you, I was not a huge fan of Castlevania or of Trevor Belmont, but I, too, had bought some of the merchandise (namely Funko Pop Trevors), which I regret now. I hadn‘t watched season 2 and 3, but was going to in advance of season 4. Ehm, not any more.

      Liked by 1 person

        • Interesting – and actually a good thing if the vaccines are also available for tourists. I doubt my daughter would take on the trip, but just as a possibility it is actually better than letting the vaccines go out of date.
          Deats may be caught in his own little bubble within his male-dominated animation industry, I suspect.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I am sorry to hear about the vaxx situation, and I hope it is resolved sooner than later…My hubby was in a semi high risk group and it took weeks for him to finally receive it, our doctor’s office administered it..ME? I had to sign up on a State site and wait, which was ok as I’m pretty healthy, wear my mask, live smart, a nd finally got it in March… As far as the comment, eh, I shook it off as it was coming from a man who has no clue who he’s referring to, just a man who opened his mouth and inserted his foot and made a fool of himself… I didn’t take it as a personal insult, won’t think of it again, why waste me time? I will watch Castlevania because I like and will not give the “insult” further thought.. I hope and pray your hubby will get vaccinated sooner than later… Take care and be safe


    • Glad to hear that you and your hubs are both safely vaccinated. That‘s as it should be! In terms of protection we are all doing the best we can – I have given up all shopping for several months now and get everything delivered so that I do not have to spend more than 10 minutes inside any shop. I do go to the post office and coffee shops for take away coffees, but always with my mask. Any time I need to spend longer than 10 mins indoors anywhere, I wear the FFP2 mask that not only protects others from me, but also me from others. I keep my distance wherever I go, and I sanitise my hands every time I enter and leave a shop. But my patience is beginning to wear thin…
      Deats‘ idiotic mislabelling of some of his audience should really not be given anymore thought, you are right. He‘s not worth it. OTOH I felt that he really shouldn‘t get away with such asshole statements. If we don‘t tell them that they are talking through their arse, they won‘t know it. And hehe, it‘s easy for me to boycott Castlevania because I was never a huge fan in the first place. I think it‘s fine for anyone to continue watching it – it was more important imo to let Deats know that he needs to think before he speaks.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. You have more self control than I. Perhaps had I kept to myself, I’d still have friends lol.

    One wonders if you can get Mr Guylty over here. Apparently, you can go to the grocery store and get vaccinated. Last time I was at Kroger, they were announcing over the intercom – come and get. Hell, he can have mine!

    I agree that Adam Deets comment was shitty and he’s a douche canoe. On the other hand, I’m proud to be a mom and if that’s the best insult he can come up with, I have a few kinders he needs to meet! Fuck you Adam!

    Thanks for a great round-up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wish I had less self-control and felt less worried about „inconveniencing“ or „imposing on“ anybody in this case. I wish I was more assertive and bull-dozed my way into that doctor‘s practice and threaten her with a complaint to the medical council. Of course I won‘t but I wish there was a way of communicating my complaint. As it is, there is no such opportunity.
      You know, that was the iffy thing about Deats‘ „mom“ comment – by rejecting the label, I do not mean to attack moms. After all I am a mother, too. But he quite clearly did not just mean „mothers“ but used the term to mean boring, unfashionable, uncool, old females. So yeah, fuck you, Adam.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I know for a fact Richard has younger fans and so fucking whoopdido what if Richard has a better-aged fanbase! We know what we like and we know WHY we like it and we can appreciate beyond the physical.

        You want me to come over and bulldoze your medical system??? I”m good at it!


  5. I can absolutely understand your vaccination rage. My dad is in the >70 with heart disease group, which makes him priority 2 in these parts. And yet… nothing. His GP doesn’t do them. Neither does his cardiologist. The vaccine center hasn’t called him up yet, so there is nothing we can do, as no doctor who isn’t his doctor will do them either (same as your GP won’t see Mr. G.). It is so endlessly frustrating and scary. I am enraged on your behalf about the situation. How nonsensical is it that they didn’t just vaccinate him at the hospital? They must have the capability.
    Thanks for the shout-out re. Mr. Deats. He really seems a thoughtless person and not willing to even address the grievance brought against this comment by many people. Radio silence is it’s own kind of comment, I guess. After the experience with the signed poster, I will file Powerhouse Animation under “not worth my time” but will forever love the fact that RA did a project that had him cussing like an infantryman. Could someone get the best soundbites with all the curse words on tumblr, maybe? I’d love to see that in a roundup.
    Thank you for putting it together for us yet again. Love me some Guy. His hair doesn’t even register as a mullet. All I see is sexy. Allegedly I will be able to see Dr. White’s white-hotness for myself this very month as it is being released on DVD here. Wonder of wonders.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What??? Your dad is also still not vaccinated?? How is that possible? My mum (71, no underlying health issues) got her vaccination two weeks ago. I know, things are organised individually according to federal state – that federalism is really a bummer in Germany. Nevertheless, I do wonder whether you should ring up the registration hotline (if there is one such?) or the local Gesundheitsamt to ask for clarification. Maybe he has fallen through the cracks, too?
      As for our situation – no, they are not vaccinating in hospitals, unless you are a long-term in-patient (which Mr G is not). Only GPs and the vaccination centres. But quite clearly the GP has not got Mr G on her own practice‘s list.
      Deats‘ silence speaks volumes. Combined with the whole crap surrounding your win of the Castlevania poster years ago, it actually paints a rather dire picture re. Fans. It‘s obvious that those people, who like to describe themselves as fanboys, are not particularly fan-friendly at all. Quite the opposite.
      Guy has singlehandedly put the sexy into the mullet.


      • It is infuriating. I registered everyone online, but if you don‘t have a doctor who does them, you have to wait. There is a number you can call for those who don‘t have internet/computer skills, but it is nigh on impossible to get through and they just register and don‘t do appointments. And of course they don‘t want people calling about appointments. Which I get. It is just holding up the flow and they can‘t do anything about it. They just do data entry.


        • Are those phone lines still so busy?? Damn, the bureaucracy connected to the whole programme is just so frustrating. I get that they don‘t want people to pester them. But if the GPs are not on the ball, then people are left behind. And at the very least there should be a channel of communication where you can flag any problems.


  6. Some people in the industry are jerks, and others, such as Todd Garner and Peter Jackson, courted us — and discovered we are lots of fun! I’m thinking that Castlevania guy is still young and immature and will one day realize his error. After we’ve taken our money elsewhere. And let’s face it: we have a lot more discretionary entertainment funds than his favored gamers who live in their parents’ basements. There’s another cliche for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don‘t even think that the Castlevania guy is *that* young. I haven‘t found out his age, but he is definitely not in his 20s. More like late 30s – and therefore much too old to make blunders like that. Especially in this day and age. I can only surmise he is an asshole at heart. But yeah, not worth our time any further than this. We‘ve made our point.


  7. I’m so sorry, Sonja, about the situation with your husband. Stay safe, both of you, until it is resolved 🙏🏻
    It’s frustrating that here in Moscow everyone can be vaccinated, no age restrictions, but many people just ignore it. Ignorance! 🤬
    Much love ❤️🤗

    Liked by 2 people

    • Funny, isn‘t it – over here, vaccination uptake is really high. People *want to* be vaccinated, yet there isn‘t enough vaccines to do it quickly. In other places there seems to be lots of vaccines, yet uptake is lower. A frustrating world we live in…


  8. Ach Mensch, es tut mir so leid, ich kann Dich so gut verstehen und ich wünsche Euch allen, dass Dein Mann bald geimpft wird, ich drücke Dich 💗.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m so sorry to hear of Mr Guylty’s problems with getting the vaccine. I’m angry just reading about how uncaring the doctors and health workers are. We have idiots refusing to get vaccinated in the US. I wish you were here so you could all get vaccinated now. They are now offering vaccines in US to people in their 40s and to people who live with high risk individuals.


    • I just wish there was a direct channel of communication. I mean, it‘s entirely possible that a mistake has been made. Such things happen. But if there is no way of rectifying a mistake, then the whole system is wrong.


  10. S I’m so terribly sorry! His GP is a piece of shit sorry to be so blunt. It’s their obligation to ensure he is on priority list and if he had to miss out to get him on it again What the actual f??? Here it is also the GPS and they take their task seriously. I can’t believe a doctor would have the gall to say don’t call me again on what is a medical issue. And either way his specialist consultant should be able to override and access the system. Here if somebody skipped it but was in a higher group the send you links and pester you at least a few more times to go and get it. Unbelievable 😒 I’m so sorry to hear that! I’d say try the gp in person or a different gp in same practice if possible, they are risking his health I’m so so sorry and sending you best hugs and much mental support to actually keep pestering the gp! Really hope you all get done soon and him first to worry a bit less. Totally get the restrictions you’ve had to live with… i haven’t seen friends since last march and 2 only once in more than 12 months …


    • That GP is going to get a letter from me, seeing that I am not a patient and her receptionist has been more than brusk. I will tell her that I find her behaviour unacceptable.
      I just hate the way I have to pester people in order to be heard. That‘s not the way I am. At least it is easier to pester them *for somebody else* and not for myself.
      The restrictions are now getting lifted in Ireland – after ongoing lockdown since Christmas. From today, we are allowed to leave our counties. And shops and pubs are gradually opening. Today galleries and museums reopened, too. I will still stay away until we are vaccinated, but I am glad that life will look a little more normal outside.


  11. And Deets is another p.o.s. sorry I’m done with the misogynistic lot, if women and mums especially stopped doing the million things they do every day on top of going to work the world would go to sh… anyone who derides the actual half of the population who keeps things running, men and kids fed, dressed, cleaned, on time, etc does not deserve to be paid any attention too. Would he speak like that of his own mum? Anyway, exceptions to the misogynistic lot recognised and appreciated. The rest should live our lives for a year until they open their mouth again. Have no time for Castelvania for now, but in no rush, plenty more RA work apart from it to catch up.


    • I was asking myself the same question – would he condescend to his own mother that way? Does he think that she brought him up to be an asshole to women? I can‘t believe that. Anyway, he‘s not worth our breath. Castlevania is so definitely off my list now, I am going to ignore it forever. I will not gift him any second of viewing time.


  12. I am sorry to hear of all your problems with the vaccine
    When they first announced mass vaccine I naively thought it would be that! But as usual they want to count numbers instead of doing things quickly I am due my second in just over a week and was sent a pointless questionnaire it took me two goes to complete it!
    Then I read the security could be breached so anyone who had a little knowledge of you could discover your vaccination status I am not bothered but people have been paid fortunes to do this stuff!
    I am glad that the under 40’s can get an alternative to the AZ because both my daughters have other risks to consider such as the contraceptive pill
    Stay strong


    • Jeepers, what do they need that questionnaire for? Sounds completely superfluous.
      I have no idea what the policy regarding the vaccines is. I doubt we can choose what we are given. But hey, I‘ll take anything…


  13. I am sorry that you are all going through such a difficult time and I hope that Mt G is vaccinated soon. Your rage is justified when your concern for your husband is met by arrogance and a lack of compassion.

    I feel ambivalent about Deats’s remarks as they touched a nerve, which is why I haven’t commented up till now. I am a middle-aged woman, a mother, who has little interest in animation (apart from Studio Gibli and Spongebob Squarepants), gaming, graphic novels – although I know women of my age who do. I don’t care for Castlevania and only watch it because Richard Armitage is in it and – I hate to say it! – to listen to his voice ( as there is little else of him in it). I fast-forward all the scenes where he is absent. But Kate and all were right to call Deats out. We all know what he meant by ‘moms’. It was an excluding reductive remark and misogynist because it was dismissive and derisive of women solely, when there are plenty of middle-aged men who are allowed to enjoy their cartoons in peace.

    It’s great to see the return of the round-up Guylty, thanks. I will not associate Gorgeous Guy with a mullet.


  14. Hi Guylty,
    So sorry to hear that Mr G still hasn’t been vaccinated. I’m not too sure how things are in the medical profession in Ireland, but does the hospital where your husband’s Lung Specialist works have a Patient Liaision Department?

    If you haven’t already tried (and if there is such a thing) I would recommend emailing them and explaining your husband’s hospital stay, how long he was in for, what treatment he had, when he was discharged, when his original vaccination date was, as many details as possible, and CC his GP, Consultant and Respiratory Nurse.

    It used to be an absolute nightmare trying to get anywhere regarding medical matters, when I had concerns about my Dad when I was caring for him.
    I found the best way to finally get somewhere was put the issue in and the outcome I wanted in writing and keep repeatedly sending the same email every few days until you get a response. Phone calls always seem to go unanswered or met with “that’s not our department/responsibility.” If it is written down, I don’t know why, but the problem is less likely to be ignored. That’s what worked for me and my Dad eventually, (admittedly it wasn’t about getting a vaccination mind you.) Anyway, I hope Mr G gets vaccinated soon.

    Oh, and thanks for the round up


    • Yep, there is the „Outreach Nurse“ who has called Mr Guylty twice since he was released from hospital. Each time she asked whether he had been vaccinated yet. She promised to get on the case – both times.
      I would have liked to e-mail and explain the circumstances but there was nobody I could e-mail to. I did have a DM conversation with the health service Twitter last week, but they also said they could not do anything for him and he simply had to wait. It was just so frustrating. I understand that they have rules and schedules, but when someone has so obviously fallen through the cracks, they need some channel of communication where people can get in touch directly.


  15. Sorry to hear about the impossible vaccination situation re your hubby! When I hear that 40+ in Germany (no teachers, health staff or any illness) are already vaccinated or here in Austria the Philharmonic Orchestra or mayors who have influence…. Fingers crossed! Also good wishes to your daughter!

    Looking ahead to the birthday fundraiser!


    • It’s really frustrating, particularly when you consider that Ireland is such a small country, anyway. I mean, there are 4.5 million people here, the same amount as in Berlin alone. That‘s a rather small number of vaccines needed for Ireland in total. Theoretically the whole country could‘ve been vaccinated in one fell swoop, very quickly, thanks to small population. But well, we are part of the EU, of course, so everything is going pro rata.


  16. The situation with your husband is really mind boggling. Understandable, that you are angry and frustrated! I hope he will be able to get his vaccination soon! {Hugs]


  17. You have good reason to vent, what a frustrating and unacceptable situation. I hope things can be resolved very soon *hugs*.
    Thanks for the roundup (and the inclusion!) As for Deats, RA is the only reason I’ve looked at Castlevania, and even then I just fast forward to Trevor’s scenes, it’s taken me less than half an hour for each series lol


  18. How frustrating that your husband can’t get vaccinated yet, I’m so sorry! Yes, I can totally understand your anger and am keeping my fingers crossed it will all change quickly for your husband and you all.

    Re: Deats – When I first read it I admit to a little grin about the ‘mom crowd’ as it did bring up an image of women of my age, which a lot of Armitage fans are, whether they are mothers or not. But besides the grin, I also sighed because the ‘mom crowd’ to me also suggests an image of some sexually frustrated older housewives fawning over a guy. As much as I love Richard, I don’t fawn over him and even though I’m a mom, I’m not sexually frustrated. I think what’s really frustrating is that he singled out the ‘mom segment’ in such a way and didn’t say ‘dad segment’ or ‘pimply teen segment’ or ‘nerd segment’ for other parts of the audience. If he had done that as well, I probably wouldn’t have minded the mom comment. He respectfully calls those other groups the young adults, older adults or anime crowd and then we get that ‘mom segment’ comment for Armitage fans. Why not say something like “older adults that came in through Richard Armitage”? Yes, there’s casual throwaway misogyny here that he may not even be aware of and I admit to just not having the energy to get worked up over it because it’s nothing new and I have enough other stuff going on. Now we’re probably even the ‘hysterical mom segment’ to him. Ugh.


  19. So sorry to hear that your husband can’t receive a Covid vaccine shot.
    Perhaps he could try to come to a vaccination center, at the end of the day. Sometimes, they still have supernumerary vaccines, which they offer to non-eligible people, so as not to destroy them. Finger crossed.
    Perhaps he could try to come to a vaccination center at the end of the day. Sometimes they still have supernumerary vaccines, which they offer to non-eligible people, so as not to destroy them.
    Young people are the sacrificed, forgotten generation, during this pandemy crisis. While they represent the future of humanity.


    • This “wait around for an extra dose at the end of the day” thing is how a lot of my friends got vaccinated — in the US there were even FB groups here organized to help people find these doses. I guess originally anyway there was one more dose in the container than the container was labeled for.

      Liked by 1 person

      • 🙂 Happy to read that Servetus!
        Here in France, there are diverse websites ( vaccine trackers) looking for you, where to register for a forgotten supernumerary dose.
        For example: “ViteMaDose”
        Apparently Europe has definitely got angry with the UK. From now on, the AstraZeneca vaccine will be less, if ever again, imported into the EU . So there will be more doses for UK. FingerX GHubby!

        Liked by 2 people

        • In newspaper “Libération” was written:
          “The European Union has not yet renewed its contract for the supply of Covid-19 vaccines with AstraZeneca for after the month of June, said on Sunday the European Commissioner in charge of the internal market Thierry Breton the day after the announcement of the signing of a new EU contract with Pfizer. Asked by Franceinter / Franceinfo about the possibility of a new order from the EU, he replied “we’ll see, we’ll see what happens”. Relaunched by his interviewers to find out if the current non-renewal meant an end of definitive inadmissibility for the AstraZeneca vaccine, Thierry Breton left in doubt. “It’s not done yet, wait,” he said. “We have started” contract renewals with Pfizer / BioNTech but “we will have more,” he said.”


  20. Breaking news! Man in awe discovering women can listen to human voices! And have preferences, too! Scientists can’t wait for the moment when he’ll find that they can also read! And talk! And write! Amazing!!! 😒😒😒
    Very sorry for your husband and daughter.
    Vaccination are quite erratic also here. My daughter has a heart condition but not severe enough, while I can be vaccinated being overweight – yes, Adam, I’m 100% that mom, and you can kiss my big fat gelatinous arse whenever you want, honey.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Just seen your tweet, so I hope the situ with poor MrGuylty’s jab is on the point of being resolved. You must have been beside yourself with worry and rage. As for Deats, if it wasn’t for moms, he wouldn’t exist – I think a lot of cool dudebros tend to forget that when they get their sneering hat on.

    Thanks for the roundup, and I definitely agree about the mullet. I’d have drawn the line at bald though, as per RA’s original suggestion. Sorry I haven’t been around lately. Your posts are always appreciated even if I don’t get around to saying so.


    • Ooops, have to catch up here… Yep, the vaxx situation is resolved – he has had the first jab yesterday, and the pressure is off.
      Deats is just a little sausage – not worth our time anymore 🥱
      Goodness, a bald Guy. That would definitely have helped make Forest Boy look more attractive 😂


  22. Pingback: Good Things Are A-Coming | Guylty Pleasure

  23. I saw your tweet regarding an update on your husband’s vaccine. Happy that he’s got a sched.

    Re: the AD comment, tbh I was on the fence on getting hyped with Castlevania this time around. I checked and it seemed like they were still going to use WE’s script. I don’t know if they had the liberties to change it, but I hope they did. I loved the game as a kid (symphony of the night one), and I remember this was one of RCA’s projects that I got really excited about. All the more, I also watch the Japanese dub because as someone who grew up loving anime I recognized the voice actors (trivia: the voice of trevor in the netflix show is the voice of Alucard in the Castlevania game!) but after watching s3 and seeing the torture p*rn of Alucard, and then the allegations on the writer, I told myself I’d wait for reviews before checking the last season. The “mom” comment is an added reason for me to delay seeing it lol. Not a mom (marrying and mom age I guess) but ugh, i just hate that it sours the whole experience for a lot of us. It makes me think they made a cheap shot thinking it’s the last season anyway. It does make me ponder a lot on how people still view women as fans and in a fandom. I didn’t buy merch yet as shipping to my place is difficult, but I was considering getting their artbook when it’d be out june. I guess my wallet is safe? Haha! Anyway, apologies for the late and long ramble. I hope you take care always!

    Liked by 1 person

    • See, there we are, you are *not* the mom segment, even though you are a RA fan. It just totally proves the point that his comment was completely off. After all, what does Deats know about us. I guess we could‘ve just ignored the comment, or claimed that we own our „mom-dom“. And yes, I am happy and proud to be a mum, and while I *do* have issues with my age, I also appreciate the life experience that comes with it. But that was exactly why I didn‘t want to let him get away with it. Things need to be called out. And even in cases where a comment may not even be intended in the way it was received, it is important to let the person know that they have to be more careful with their remarks. Anyhow, it‘s all water under the bridge now. Don‘t let the rant stop you from catching up with a show that you clearly enjoyed 🙂


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