The Big Reveal #RA50Auctions

It’s two weeks until the auctions kick off our birthday fundraiser. After all the hints and teasing, it’s now time to reveal the surprise item that Richard has contributed to our fundraiser. I’ll spare you more intro, I know you are itching to find out… Despite all the teasing, I actually did think of you all when I unpacked the parcel – and I made a video of the unwrapping so that I can bring you along.

WORD OF WARNING: Please make sure you are sitting before you continue, put your drinks down and keep the smelling salts close by. I take no responsibility for any choking or spilled drinks! 😉

Are you still alive? Able to speak again? Yeah, took me a moment, too.

Guy of Gisborne, rocking the leather since 1192

Maybe this close-up of the leather didn’t help, either. Yeah. Right.

Does Guy look unhappy because Richard is passing on his jacket?

Well, *we* are not unhappy that Richard has passed on Guy’s jacket for the auction. It’s a fantastic contribution, and I am hoping I am sure that there will be much interest in this authentic piece of set costume. I’m assuming it was custom-made to fit Richard, and it has all its closures still intact, with some obvious wear and tear from many days of hard work on the set. The leather is surprisingly soft in places – and those shoulders look pretty impressive!

So, a huge big thank you, Richard, for this truly surprising contribution to the fundraiser. I would never have guessed that you would part with such a big souvenir from the Robin Hood set, despite the cheeky selfie that you posted a while ago. That jacket – that’s Giz personified in leather. There must be a good bit of blood and sweat in this jacket – Hungary being so hot during the summers you filmed there – but hopefully not any tears. Your generous donation will make fans very happy. Not just the lucky future winner of the auction, but also many others who are simply thrilled that you reached out with this amazing gift to the fundraiser. Combined with our own contributions and donations, it’s looking to be truly unforgettable. And maybe, maybe, it might make the number connected to the birthday a little more bearable… Thank you ❤️

Off to our financial advisors we go… 😉

The auction for this item (and many other fan-donated items) will commence on the 15th of August 2021. More information over the coming weeks – or for those new here: general explanation of where and how the auctions and fundraiser will take place can be found in my recent auction announcement.

And now share away and let anyone know who may be interested in this unique, amazing piece of fan memorabilia! Thank you 😘

Edit: Exchanged placeholder images, now that the reveal is over and done with 😉

137 thoughts on “The Big Reveal #RA50Auctions

  1. I knew it!!! Wow! So generous of him! But who can afford it??? 😱
    Thank you for the thrill, Sonja! The video is very exciting! I need time to digest it! 🤩😁

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s super generous of him. I mean, it’s not only a big item, but also from a much-loved character. I was blown away.
      Glad you enjoyed the video 😉. Even before the package arrived I knew I would document the opening so that *everybody* could see it.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. OMG!! And thanks for all of warnings, because that truly made me gasp. I’m sure you should get a ton of bids for it. I may try, but I’m also hoping you’ll have the option again of just donating money without bidding on anything? This will be a fun auction to watch!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hehe, yes, I had to warn you… I mean, I myself was stunned. My heart was in my throat as I was unwrapping. I literally did not know what to say and stammered – as you could hear.
      And yes, I’ll facilitate donations to the fund as well, happily ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Da bin ich platt! Hat er das Dir zu Ehren gespendet? Etwas von Guy für Guyltys Auktion?!
    This was very exciting, S.! Perfect Monday suspense and what a treat for whoever will win the auction! Cannot be topped!


    • Nein, ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das in irgendeiner Weise mit meiner Person zusammenhängt. Ich denke eher, dass ihm eingefallen ist, dass er doch letztes Jahr oder irgendwann mal die beiden Guy Kostüme wieder in der Hand hatte, und dass ihm Guy season 1 und 2 nicht so gut gefiel wie season 3. Und schon hatte er ein passendes Teil zum Abgeben 😄
      I had such fun making this video – sharing some of the suspense (although I basically created it 😉). I am glad that everyone was so tolerant of my teasing scheme…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I was joking to myself that it would be this but never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be right! What a generous and meaningful donation on his part.

    Great video, btw. 🙂 I had put my drink down as warned but nearly knocked it off with my elbow in my surprise.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I had no expectation whatsoever that it could be something as big as a leather jacket from a much-loved character. I expected something small, a script, maximum a t-shirt or something, but never… I mean, you heard my stammering incoherence. Class act, generous man.
      Glad you didn’t flood your computer 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  5. WOWWOWWOW!!! Speechless, indeed. Thhat’s …. WOW. Thank you Richard!!!! Off to count what’s left of my savings.
    *whispers* did you try it on? Took pictures? Will we get to see them? 😉


    • So totally utterly ultimately cool. *ooof*
      *coughs* Well, quality control, right? Took pictures of it, too, but had my son model the jacket so the proportions are more obvious. I’ll definitely share more images and description in the listings the latest!

      Liked by 4 people

  6. I remember his Instagram pics when he rediscovered the jacket, apparently in an old washing bag! He must have such amazing memories of wearing it so donating it is a wonderful gesture.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Yes, exactly, he found both the season 1/2 outfit and the season 3 outfit, and his selfies made it seem that he preferred season 3 😉 so he decided that the medieval intergalactic biker jacket should go to a fan 😍. Such a nice gesture – really really chuffed!

      Liked by 4 people

    • I wondered if that could be it, remembering that hilarious post & photos he put out! What an incredible win for someone ❤️😎❤️ Well wishers are liquidating their assets as we speak in preparation! 🤣💓


      • It was at the back of my mind, too, especially because he posted both pictures and declared a clear preference 😁. Made it look like he was prepared to let go of one of them… But never would I have dared to think that he would pass it to an amateur fundraiser… 😱

        Liked by 2 people

        • Probably combination of his mindset was there to move it forward, and LOROS being so special to him ♥️ He’s noticed the auctions & seen that they’re well run too 👍 It *is* a big deal to let something like that go… It will be super exciting to watch that one, especially! 💓


  7. WOW, Guy’s Jacke!!! Fantastisch! Die war bei RA auf Twitter mal zu sehen. Aber du sagtest, dass die Sache nicht so groß ist. Sonja, du Witzbold! Das ist GROSS nicht KLEIN!!! Spannendes Video.


    • Hehe, sorry Graza, ich musste da leider ein bisschen Ablenkungsmanöver fahren. Ich glaube, ich schrieb, dass der Inhalt auch klein sein *könnte* 😉. Ich hoffe, du vergibst mir 😘


      • Bereits vergeben😘 Zugegebenermaßen es hätte ansonsten nicht so viel Spaß gemacht 😊. Das hast du spitze gemacht. Es war besser als bei Hitchcock. Bin auch beruhigt, dass ich Mr. Guylty, der wie ich sehe, Mitgefühl mit uns hatte, nicht bitten muss, dir zu erklären, was die Leute so üblicherweise unter kleinen und großen Sachen in so einem Karton verstehen 😉 Viele Grüße an ihn.


        • Danke 😘 Und ja, Mr Guylty war von meiner Verzögerungstaktik gar nicht beeindruckt, sondern fand es gemein 😥. Er war auch ein bisschen besorgt, dass ich damit euch alle ganz böse auf mich mache 😂. Er kennt euch halt nicht und weiß nicht, dass wir doch im Großen und Ganzen alle eine eingeschworene Truppe sind 😉


  8. HOLY %&@$!!!!!!! I have never wanted to be super rich until I saw what is in that box. He really knows us, doesn’t he? LURKER! Believe me, I am screaming internally and I do have a feeling about which two people are going to bid tons of money for that leather jacket. Wow, wow, WOW! Tell us, what size is it? Also, confess: Did you try it on immediately or did you ask Mr. Standring to model it for you? :p

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not sure if he lurks (if so *waves* hello Richard, we love you!) but he got us down to a tee.
      As for size – I will describe the jacket in more detail in the listings (or possibly before that). As it is custom made, there is no size label in it. I had Master Guylty model it for me – to take pictures of it and get the proportions better. I am going to have to measure it for more detail.

      Liked by 4 people

  9. That’s really amazing! Not something I ever imagined!

    Now I’m assuming for quality control that, in addition to trying it on, you also made sure it didn’t smell musty from years in a box? And maybe inadvertently detected some scent of RAftershave?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Stunning!
    Well, I still have most of the lump sums from my pension pots available….. mainly due to COVID cancelling my retirement holidays.
    Can you please tell us what size it is? (I need to know how much more weight I would have to lose to be able to wear it – what an incentive!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, please bid responsibly 😉
      As for size – as it is a custom made jacket, there is no label in it. I will measure it to give a more detailed description in the auction listings. My son has modelled it for the listing photos, and he is very slight and slender. (Don’t actually know his size). The jacket’s shoulders are very wide and padded, and the waist is tight. That’s all I can say for now.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Still gasping for air and heart still palpitating…. thanks for your the warning and the suspense. I never ever would have guessed he would be willing to part with that specific jacket. Honestly can’t believe it. And I’m already profoundly jealous of the winner. What a treasure to have and hold, also for you at this moment in time!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is entirely unexpected, a massive, wonderful surprise and a generous gesture. So so cool. And yes, I am very lucky that I may hold it for the moment. I don’t think my budget stretches as far as this coveted costume 😍

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Jessas!!! Mega Hammer!!! Who would have thought, or dared to dream….
    Actually, quite unbelievable….good ol’ Guy!!!
    … BTW ganz tolles Filmchen 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hammer. Mir fiel auch nichts anderes dazu ein. Mir blieb die Sprache weg. Stammel stammel. Niemals erwartet. Der Mann… bringt uns noch um!
      Ha, mein erstes selbstgeschnittenes Video. Hat Spaß gemacht!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Did I ever in my wildest dreams imagine that the surprise would be actually be an authentic Guy of Gisborne treasure of his leather jacket? A clue- NO!!! I thought perhaps his gloves but this? Wow, just WOW. What a generous and thoughtful gift. I know I’ll never win it -but I’m so excited for what this means for the benefit of Loros. Now that I’ve revived myself I can come back down to earth and wait eagerly to see all the wonderful items on offer from the talented and generous fandom peeps 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, same here. I never thought it possible, even though it was half on my wishlist. The gloves would have been equally amazing. (Not sure whether he kept those?) This tops it all; I can’t think of anything (vaguely realistic and) equal. (Orcrist is definitely not an option. That would really be too much of a personal keepsake.)

      Liked by 2 people

  14. Wow, this is awesome! If I could afford it, I’d surely try to win this, but I can only wish good luck and be a little jealous of the person who’ll be able to buy it 🙂 Surely this year the donation will be big (see, Guy helps people too, he’s not just the sheriff’s henchman, Marian would be proud of him. :D) 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Wow
    He may have been joking but he did say Keith Allen wanted it but because it did have his blood and sweat in it he wanted it!
    Perhaps it’s been to the dry cleaners!
    It will be a wonderful memento for some wealthy and lucky person lol

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Wow, I´m speechless, what an amazing contribution, he´s unbelievable 😮💗🥰!! I really, really couldn´t have guessed and I remember someone suggested this and that I wondered if that could really be… And btw that music in the video was nerve-wrecking 🤪… Unfassbar und soooo klasse!!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. It’s a super duper generous donation and will no doubt be close to many fans hearts. I reckon he decided he would rather it goes to make a brilliant sum for LOROs, rather than getting lost in a laundry bag for another 10 years.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And right he is. Definitely better to part with some items, and make others happy with it (both Loros and fans). He probably has other mementos that possibly also take up less space. But a nice thought to share it with us. He’s a good guy.

      Liked by 3 people

  18. Holy petunias! I can’t believe it! What an astonishing thing to do. No wonder we love our beautiful man so much. I really don’t have enough words….


    • Join the club of temporarily mute women, LoLo 😂. Astonishing is the word. Yes, a massive confirmation that he’s worth our attention and admiration 😍


    • I know what you mean. I try not to think about the affordability of this killer item, but on the wonderful donation it will potentially generate. We can all partake in that, by hoping it will receive generous bids, and by bidding on and buying all the other fantastic items that will also be on offer. Somehow, that jacket is *our’s* – even if it will “live” with only one of us ☺️

      Liked by 2 people

  19. I am staggared! Never didxI imagine it would be Guy’s jacket. That is probably the ultimate RA item for me. To think Richard has kept it for that long ( even if it was in storage). It is so generous of the lovely man. And to think Sonja that you can touch GUY’S JACKET – it’s in your house – after all the years of fangirling – much deserved too for all you do for the fandom.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ultimate. I agree. It couldn’t be any better for Guy girls. I do wonder whether RA really understands the depth and width of the joy he has caused with this contribution.
      Hehe, my hubs was joking earlier on whether we need to organise extra security – now that we have the priceless jacket in the house… 😂

      Liked by 3 people

  20. OMG you know us so well. Of COURSE I scrolled down to see a still picture and got placeholder image tease. Arghhhhh. You mean I have to actually watch that video??? Which was brilliant, G — the music, everything. And now…I’m speechless. That a jacket could be squished into that size box, among other reasons. Wow, wow, wow.

    I’m thinking that, like many of us this year, he’s underemployed and bored out of his mind, and…cleaned out a few closets. Since you can’t take it all with you, you might as well have some fun with it while you are here, right?

    Now. Which fan is going to be posting selfies wearing THAT for the rest of his/her life, hmmm???

    Liked by 2 people

    • *evillaugh* I suspected that maybe some clever readers would scroll and spot some pictures. But I wanted to insist on the video as the reveal… I am glad if it proved to be entertaining – and it was only 2 and a half minutes long.
      Maybe during all those months of boredom, he risked a look at what his fans were up to and that added to the decluttering? 😁

      Liked by 2 people

  21. Pingback: This is it! – The Book of Esther

  22. Omg it is the one! Not the s3 one which would have been ever so amazing but THE ONE. So freaking out now! Internally screaming and squealing 🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊 you have to make a photo shoot of IT next to THAT POSTER You just have to! Pretty pleeeeaaaseeeeee 😍😍😍🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    • He really wanted to make a big contribution, it seems. Wonderful.
      LOL on your mortgage.
      Oh, and the ring – is actually made from a tiny silver mustard spoon. My go-to ring, very comfortable to wear.

      Liked by 2 people

        • Thanks ☺️. I wear it every day and haven’t taken it off in many years. It always attracts attention, and I take great delight in telling people that it was actually made from a small silver condiment spoon that was flattened and then melded together as a ring. It’s really comfortable to wear.

          Liked by 1 person

  23. I never in my wildest dreams imagined he would donate something as spectacular as Guy’s leather jacket!! I always thought he looked truly amazing in it! Only he could carry off a something like that! Francis, the lady who designed it (sorry, her surname escapes me at the moment) knew what she was doing alright!! I really hope it goes to someone who is a true fan and who will treasure it for who it belonged to! Bless him for this wonderful gesture!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • An incredibly kind and generous gesture indeed. I would’ve been happy with an autograph, but this is the mother of all gifts 😄. And you are right, the designer really knew what she was doing, and the piece itself is obviously quality-made (with obvious wear and tear – all that sword fighting and riding left their mark on it). I’m sure it will be treasured by the future owner.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. I keep coming back to this, trying to find the words but I’m just going to ditto everyone above! I was gawping like a fish at the reveal in your awesome video and thinking “OMG you wonderful, generous, beautiful man!” 🥰


  25. Pingback: Planning to do 50th in style | Me + Richard Armitage

  26. Gestern dachte ich noch, dass das Spenden der Guy‘s Jacke kaum zu überbieten ist. Ich war beieindruckt, dass Richard sie gespendet hat, auch wenn ich den speziellen Anlass (seinen 50. Geburtstag), dass die Spende an Loros geht und wie hart die letzte Zeit für Lorosmitarbeiter gewesen sein muss, mitberücksichtigt habe. Nach der heutigen Nachricht von Richard, dass er den Erlös aus ihrer Versteigerung verdoppeln wird, weiß ich, dass ich da falsch lag. Ich bin sprachlos. Mr. Armitage weiß einfach wie man Geburtstage und das Leben zelebriert! Es ist schon ein einzigartiges Gefühl dabei sein zu können.


    • Ja, das hat er echt gut gemacht. Sehr wohl überlegt, dass er nicht nur von seinen Fans “erwartet”, dass sie bei einer Versteigerung mitmachen, sondern dass er selber auch Geld spendet. (Macht er sicher sowieso, ohne es an die große Glocke zu hängen, aber so stößt er natürlich die Sache noch mehr an.) Irgendwie auch nett, dass das sozusagen eine kleine Verbeugung an uns ist, oder so etwas wie ein Zuwinken. “Huhu, ich mach auch mit!” 😉 Er rundet es so ab, ist auf seine Weise bei der Auktion mit dabei. Find ich gut.


  27. Pingback: One Week ‘Til #RA50Auctions: Here Comes The Small Print | Guylty Pleasure

  28. Pingback: Happy Birthday RIchard – The M Files

  29. Pingback: Richard Armitage 50th Birthday Charity Auction – teapoweredcrafting

  30. Pingback: Richard Armitage – Penny for the Guy? – Miscellany – Richard Armitage, science, well-being, 2nd generation migrant experiences

  31. Pingback: Good bye Guy | Guylty Pleasure

  32. Pingback: Music Monday: F**k You by Lily Allen – An Unpaused Life

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