Significant Events

Another 9th of November has passed without Guylty realising the significance of the date. Well, or let’s say I am distracted by the much more important events of world history that always overshadow the 9th of November. (Reichskristallnacht in 1938, fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, to name but a few.) But it just so happens that yesterday this happened:

There you have it. Nine years of blogging on WordPress. Well, sort of. You can deduct about six months because initially there was no content on the blog, just a default page. Who would’ve thought that this would last so long – and garner so many kind readers and their much appreciated attention? I am still in denial that there are actually people regularly reading the nonsense I am spewing here. And I am not saying that to denigrate *you* but to make fun of myself! So, thanks are in order – to all readers past and present, my fellow bloggers who inspire me to pick up the topics they are writing about, the commentators who keep the conversation going, my blog role model and mentor Servetus, and the bloke who provides the news that I exploit for my nefarious blogging purposes. Thank you *blows kisses all around*

Keyword “significant events” – I haven’t made a separate post yet, but…

the December FundRAiser is coming in 2021, too!

I have spent the best part of this afternoon sorting through the kindly gifted donations for our next fundraiser. And I have put together a package of 30+ auctions that will hopefully garner a generous donation for our preferred charity. Planning and organisation are on the way, including the now-customary fixed-price sale on Etsy, too. As previously, the fundraiser will stretch over several days. In order to allow for dispatch in time for the end-of-year festivities of your choice, I am proposing a five-day event that ends prior to the (first) postal cut-off point on 3rd December 2021. Which means that we will start Christmas/the Holidays early – from Saturday, 27 November to Wednesday, 1 December.  How does that sound? Make sense? It would give me – and other donors who are dispatching their gifted auction items themselves – time to wrap up and send the parcels before international mail service deadlines. We may need to rename that fundraiser, though 😉. Suggestions on a postcard – or in the comments below. More info to come, soon!

52 thoughts on “Significant Events

  1. Mazel tov!

    (If it’s any consolation, two extremely close friends of mine have birthdays on Nov 9 and both of them have accused me of only remembering their birthdays because of Reichskristallnacht.)


    • Many thanks, Serv! Oh, I feel for your friends there. Not really the best of dates to be born on – at least if you are German. Schicksalstag deutscher Geschichte and all that. Definitely overshadows the day. The date is definitely synonymous with Reichskristallnacht, and I would probably also only remember people’s birthday for that reason… 😞

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Blogiversary! Nine years! That’s amazing. You have brought a lot of joy and fun to us over the years 😉 Looking forward to the FundRAiser, always very exciting!


  3. Oh my gosh, you started your blog the day after I watched North & South for the first time (my gateway drug, as Abby so memorably put it). Given our time difference, and that I stayed up until 3 am to finish that 4-hour viewing session, it may actually have been at the same time, woo ooo. Same number of years: 9. Monday was my personal RA anniversary. How my life has changed. All for the better! Sigh.


    • There must have been something in the air that day – this side and your side of the Atlantic. I am happy it happened. It’s provided a lot of fun and excitement in my life.


  4. Happy blogiversary, Guylty! It’s good to have you around. 🙂
    My mother’s birthday is on Nov. 9th and when we were living in Germany she said it was depressing because she was always expected to attend some Kristallnacht memorial somewhere, due to my dad’s work. My dad’s birthday was equally depressing: he was born on Jan. 27th, the same date as the liberation of Auschwitz.
    Lets’s put depressive dates aside and focus on positive ones. Yay for the RA December Auction!


    • Oh goodness, that’s really bad luck re. birth dates. Those dates are definitely overshadowed by the events of history. You are absolutely right, though – let’s focus on the positive. Here’s to the next blogging year – and the upcoming fundraiser!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Ninth Blogoversary, Guylty. 😀 Here’s to many more years of great blogging. 😀
    Fundraiser will soon be upon us,then! Eeeeek! Don’t forget let me know if you think there’s anything I can help with. Will you be having a donate button on your blog again?

    Copying Kate (apologies, Kate) going with the funny/silly moniker for the fundraiser, but did I mention on twitter about calling it (Holiday) FundRAYser? (Sorry if I’m repeating myself – mind like a sieve these days!) LOL. RA = the man himself and Y = Yuletide, conveniently spelling RAY – the character in Stay Close. LOL.


  6. Congratulations! Great result of work and passion! I hope you have patience for at least the next nine years. Because I read your blog from beginning now I have a lot to read 😊. I just found your pictures of Connemara. Wow, I didn’t know Ireland is so beautiful.


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