Distraction Challenge 12 #ADC

Goodness me! If this pandemic doesn’t stop soon, I’ll go bankrupt over all the audio books that Richard is churning out. I had rather hoped that his hinted at “special something” was a tiny little freebie, but ok, I am curious about the Chekhov short stories. Mind you, I *do* think it smarts a tiny…

Distraction Challenge 11 #ADC

Has Richard Armitage a designated “Tweet Day”? Seven days since his last advertising communication tweet, he put three tweets out there. He hinted at a charity offering in aid of Great Ormond Street – probably the children’s story that he had asked for recommendations for a while back. And a characteristic Armitage praise tweet for…

Distraction Challenge 10 #ADC

Even in times of isolation, Mondays are difficult days, it appears. 😂 I just couldn’t muster up the energy to write anything. I put it down to not having made the day count. (Grah, that whole thing is still stuck sideways in my gut.) Anybody else have this stupid feeling that a day only counts…

Distraction Challenge 9 #ADC

Herba has done another batch of challenge questions, and so I am taking my cue off her today and move on to question 9. 9.Which show did you think you wouldn’t like but did? Super easy answer: Hannibal. I had massive reservations about that show. But then, this happened: Haha, ok no. It wasn’t the tattoo…

Distraction Challenge 7 #ADC

Waking up to bright sunshine changes everything. For the first time in days I felt keen on getting up and starting the day – even though I had work to attend to. But well, even work has become something to cherish, as every job that lands on my desk means a little relief, both financially…

Service Sunday

Hello everybody. First of all many thanks for sharing your tips regarding hand care. It really helped me to find a solution for my current skin problem. Keeping your advice in mind, I dug out a mega tub of medicinal skin cream my hubster had been prescribed last year for a persistent dry patch on…

Distraction Challenge 6 #ADC

Today I am working side-by-side with my son. Or rather: I am taking the opportunity to write my daily post right now as Master Guylty has just left the house for a walk. You may wonder why my son is suddenly here after I had mentioned he had gone into self-isolation. Well, after consultation with…

The Fan A to Z – #Z

Halleluia! Guess what? I am finishing my Fan A to Z today. A mere eleven (11!!!) months after I started it. Yeah, ridiculous. Guylty has pushed procrastination to a new level. Apologies for the time it took. Z – A chaRActer headcanon you have? Not sure whether this is a case of ‘leaving the most…

The Fan A to Z – #Y

With London out of the way, I continue through the last couple of letters of the Fan Challenge now. Y – Choose a work of art or a song that reminds you of RA Only one???????? The easy answer is this song and because of this exact fan video. I even bought the song download…

The Fan A to Z – #X

X is somehow a rather fitting letter for this question. As in “Miss X”… X – Is there a fellow fan who got you into delurking or convinced you to participate in the fandom? Well, strictly speaking: no. The decision to become an active fan – as in: someone with an identifiable social media handle…