RAPS 144 ½ – aka “PRAG”

Something weird has popped up in my mailbox.


Unidentified sources have also supplied me with some inofficial photos of this mysterious superfluous new product. This is what the game looks like:

It apparently first turned up somewhere over on Twitter, as a supposed thank you gift for Plushie-maker Sinnamin. Well, I think that is commendable – although not as commendable as Sinnamin’s contributions to the birthday auctions. She really deserved more than just a silly mint tin…

The whole game comes with a few bits and pieces, cut-out figures, and a little fishing rod.

That rod looks rather fishy to me… quality materials, my arse…

Apparently it is some sort of game. 

Like, fishing for plushies?

Here are the rules:


I wonder whether that’s going to be a hit…

Maybe RAPS Inc. should make an angling game with some other chaRActers. I can think of a few who are already in costume…

What do you think? Is that game a goer? Or has the ship sailed for RAPS Inc.?



53 thoughts on “RAPS 144 ½ – aka “PRAG”

  1. It’s WONDERFUL! Oh dear, I’m practically speechless 😍 Though it’s true there are some characters missing… definitely need Ricky and Chop… but the whole concept is brilliant and should go into production immediately 😄


    • Hehe, I’ll tell you the truth, Helen – I wanted to make a thank you present for Nancy, but I knew that a RAPS wouldn’t really be up her street. And she already has one (or two) with plushies in it. So it had to be something else. And then I was reminded of my favourite game as a child – the angling game… 🎣…
      It was only when I was writing today’s post that it occurred to me that there is actually quite a number of “Wetitages” out there that could swim… eh… sit… equally well in such a game box… I might try and get a RAPAG together…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, glad you like the silly wordplay 😉. How did you like the “ego-angler”?
      And how are you, btw. I realised the other day that it was exactly a year ago that we were all in Greece together!!!


      • Your wordplay is an enduring pleasure of mine! Yes, “ego-angler”… *snickers* and I also always imagine you at your keyboard with a lightly sardonic smile as you write your fabulous advertisements… LOL! I am doing fine, healthy… just watched those first couple of episodes of Berlin Station season 2, and it triggered me to finally go finish watching the last 4 episodes of season 1- somehow with the holidays I never did that, then never got back into them. I’ve been a pretty crap Armitage fan, but he pulls me back in, doesn’t he? Hard to believe a year has passed since Greece… the best of times. =)


        • Hehe, less sardonic and more impish delight! I admit to occasionally even breaking into giggles while writing up the pieces – although it’s slightly embarrassing to say that.
          Glad to hear you are doing ok – and that RA is still drawing you in, even if you are not actively blogging at the mo. Those two episodes from season 2 are actually a much better advertisement for the show than season 1 ever was. I find myself mesmerised by Trevor, against beards and better judgment. I am slightly alarmed by the irrepressible sensation of attraction I am feeling, actually.


          • Lol- ok, lightly sardonic was my way of saying impish… and I love picturing your face as these over-the-top endorsements roll out onto the screen! Yes, the beard never is a problem for me, and I’m not the least alarmed by the attraction… if Francis Dolarhyde couldn’t put me off, I doubt that Trevor can. =)


            • That’s exactly what I find worrying. First there was a serial killer with a deeply sadistic streak whom I found worth saving; now it is a neo-Nazi sympathiser who deals in weapons 😱. What the hell is wrong with me???


              • Aw, I have every faith that at some point there will be a reckoning, and Trevor’s façade will crack, hopefully revealing more than we currently know about the inner life of the inscrutable Daniel Miller. I was obviously fairly detached from the character heretofore… I’d love it if that changed in season 2.


  2. That’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time! Adorable beyond words. Who wouldn’t want to try and catch a “Richie” character?


  3. Cuter than a basket of kittens or puppies. Love the game. There are so many Rich fish I’d love to hook. It doesn’t seem possible it’s been a year since the AHA members were cavorting in Greece. At least I had a lovely reunion with one of them. Miss all of you crazy fun girls.


  4. I LOVE IT! What a great game idea, Go Fish for adult women. I’m having a brain fart here. What’s an OR? And how does the hook work? I’m having trouble recognizing 3 of the plushies and I thought I knew them all.


    • OR stands for “Original Richie”. The hook is a magnet and the little plushies all have a heart of metal.
      And here is a list of the plushies (in order of appearance on the game rules): King Oleron + Thorin; Thornton, Chop, Proctor, Trevor Belmont + RA selfie Vampire; Guy + Francis Dolarhyde; RA.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 235/? – Fishy | Guylty Pleasure

  6. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 274/? – Peachy | Guylty Pleasure

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