RA Pocket Shrine 235/? – Fishy

It’s time I finally post this latest RAPS that has been sitting on my desk for several weeks now. The events of the last month or so put a bit of a dampener on my blogging activities, but with spring comes a fresh new urge to get back into more blog activities. My creative energy has been renewed, and after working on a re-stock of my mini book brooches for Etsy and some playing with watercolours, I feel like making a few more pocket shrines. Just by playing with images of my favourite actor, I might also feel a little bit more in love with him again 😁. I wouldn’t mind that…

Anyway, I made this shrine a couple of months ago, and it basically happened because I came across this tin in my stash.

You may have seen this tin before. I used an identical one for a fun little RAPS game, but way back in 2017 (! 😱). Once again I felt that the tin is cute enough to stay as it is. But whenever I decide to keep a tin’s outside design untouched, I try to make sure it fits the theme of the shrine inside. So my starting point this time was a fishy theme that matched the exterior of the box. And this is how I work: I started thinking about catchphrases that work with “fish”. And the phrase “many fish in the sea” came to mind. So I designed a scene around that:

Many fish, you say, and only *one* RA? Not so.

There’s a whole gaggle of them peeking from behind the bushes. Whatever are they up to??

If you look closely, you may notice that this time, I have used the deeper part of the tin for the bottom, and left the shallower lid for the top. The idea was that the bottom part of the tin can be used playfully and interactively. Because there’s many fish in the pond…

Even though the gif quality is atrocious (I didn’t have a proper tripod to photograph with, and so the framing of the gif is totally off), do you catch my drift? Essentially I got all the half-naked chaRActers together for a little pond moment. They can be placed in the pond (bottom of the tin) just as you like it. And while you are keeping the lid shut, they can be held behind the bushes, hiding from prying eyes… 🕵🏻‍♀️

Here you can see the pond in all its blue-water glory… And here is my favourite set-up:

All in – Porter is checking out Guy, and Thorin is barrelling his way through…

Anyway, this shrine needs a new home. As always, the same procedure: Leave me a comment and you are in the draw. The shrine will be sent anywhere in the world at no cost to the winner. Comments are open until 11.59pm on Friday, 23 April 2021. Good luck!

53 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 235/? – Fishy

  1. Good morning G,

    What another creative RAPS you have made. All those half naked ” fish”!! The pond is perfect for Thorin in his barrel. Love it. Lucky lady who gets to have this. All the best x


  2. ”Come, fishy, fishy! I have something for you. Come closer!” 😛
    Just imagine sitting in a shade of a tree and then something/someone like this comes out of the water… *faints*
    once again, thumbs up, brilliant <<3

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ermehgerd! What a brilliant shrine. Such a cReAtive use of that sweet little tin. I hope that things in general have picked up a bit, dearest G, and that Mr. G is doing better. I’m up to my eyeballs with you-know-what but am trying to retain a tiny bit of sanity. 💜


    • Yep, I am blaming it all on the tin. The design made me do it. I was powerless otherwise.
      All good here. I think we are getting to grips with things. Just imagine – Mr G has decided to work today…😱And I have my second physio appointment today, too. Also, the medication I was prescribed in hospital seems to work its magic. The leg feels better. Or maybe it is my physio exercises and the daily walks…


  4. Oh my…….”many fish”, umpteen fantasies!!! 😍
    I hope you and Mr G are both feeling better, that your sciatica has eased x


    • Thank you, Mezz. Yep, I think we are both feeling better. Our little trip on Monday was really good, too. It was so good to get out of the city and see some nature!


  5. Guylty you’ve outdone yourself! So creative and playful! Wouldn’t we all like to catch the elusive RA and reel him in! Thanks for brightening our day!


  6. Brilliant idea for a RAPS and very fishy 😁 I wouldn’t mind if any of them would appear in front of me on the beach… here fishy fishy fishy 🐟


    • Agreed! It is so important to get fresh air – and a bit of exercise. And I think there is something to seeing lots of greenery, too. It keeps humans level and happy, good for the soul!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh my gosh! I love this! I don’t want to be greedy but please, please, please put me in the running. Honestly, if I don’t win, can I pay for another one? The pocket shrine you so graciously bestowed on me brings such joy every time I see it. You inspire me, Sonja!


    • Well, I am glad that you like this so much, Katie 🥰. And of course you are in the raffle, too, and if you are not the winner, we can work something out!


  8. Why can’t I help hearing Jaws OST main theme in my head while scrutinizing your newest creation? (^^^)
    I can easily imagine how hard must have been to raid your folders to find the right pics.
    It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it! 😉


  9. Brilliant! Your creativity and sense of fun are wonderful to see! Even if we don’t all get to own one of your gorgeous shrines (I have 2, so thank you!), I’m so glad you continue to share your work here. Especially when it involves shirtless RA. 🙂


    • Oh yes, shirtless RA is a relatively elusive occurrence, so it really was about time that a new edition of a skin-admiring RAPS was revealed. I really need to think up more scenarios that fit such pictures…

      Liked by 1 person

  10. That is brilliant. I actually have something a bit similar in the planning stages—as in shirtless and water themed. If it’ll ever get made is, of course, a total different question. 🙄

    (Not an entry. I’m stressed to the max rn. I can’t take it.)


  11. What a great shrine. It gives a foretaste of summer, sitting at a lake in the sunshine, watching this kind of fish and listening to a female chorus who sing in unison: fishy, fishy fishy….


  12. Pingback: 2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #15 | Guylty Pleasure

  13. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 274/? – Peachy | Guylty Pleasure

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