2017 Armitage Weekly Round-up #45

The temptation to ignore the round-up today was very strong. I missed last week, too, though, and then I thought that it somehow feels bad to start a new year with last year’s loose ends. So today I present you the last Weekly Round-up of 2017. This was, by the way, the fourth consecutive year of tumblr round-ups. They started in 2014, with the first one posted on January 4th.

Before I launch into the links, I just wanted to say I hope you had a great Christmas 2017. My Christmas was actually really nice, with not a single moment of discord between me and my mum. In fact, we had a lovely time, helped by the fact that we had something on our schedule every day: from the last preparations for Christmas on the 22nd and 23rd, tree decorating and gift exchanging on the 24th, then Irish Christmas with the in-laws on the 25th, the traditional Christmas walk with the family on the 26th, to two shopping expeditions with the kids on the 27th and 28th. I received lots of wonderful gifts from my family – and interestingly, this year there was only one Armitage gift among my loot. It came from our fellow fan Monica, and it is truly unique… a long ode, written in a book, illustrated with pictures…

What about you? Were your wishes fulfilled, and what did you find under the Christmas tree? Any Armitage gifts?

I finished my last work day of the year yesterday, and am now looking forward to a quiet and calm New Year’s Eve tomorrow night just with my daughter and my husband. I am planning to post again tomorrow, so I’ll leave it at that for the moment. But I won’t leave 2017 without a gallery view of the RAdvent CalendRA – just for the record and because it was such fun. I must remember to make another one next year!

Did you have a particular favourite among the days?

In any case, here is the last round-up of the year, and the last time I am using this header – I think:

  1. Now, “cuddly” isn’t the term I would use, but jassy2101 makes a convincing case otherwise
  2. Belated Christmas greetings from Riepu10
  3. Giffed Christmas wishes (in German) from ausschweifendemotte
  4. After rewatching BOTFA a couple of nights ago, I completely agree with shallandvars
  5. In case you hadn’t seen it, Clematis70 has posted the cover of the forthcoming Martian Invasion audiobook that features Richard
  6. Ausschweifendemotte again with an edit that makes me think of carnival rather than Christmas
  7. Ooooh, I love these Christmas baubles posted by riepu10… just imagine *them* on your Christmas tree…
  8. Me, too, moonlightfantasia, me too!
  9. Hannibalstills posts two – well – Hannibal stills
  10. Do cats love Richard Armitage? Ausschweifendemotte seems to think so
  11. All the Claude Becker we can get from the O8 trailer so far, giffed by riepu10
  12. This is ch. 13 of a N&S fan fic by hannibatchsmuse that I hadn’t noticed until now. Go to AO3 for the full work
  13. Mezzmerizedbyrichard seems to have started a new series of picture posts – which is already at #10. Favourite pics of RA, of course. This is a cutie
  14. Interesting fanart by ffdom
  15. And *eeeek*, not sure how I feel about this manip by randomrviewer
  16. Hey there, girl… *hehe*. I like this little pic by smoops-and-smoops
  17. I don’t really like the word “dork”, but there is definitely something to this observation by weird-writings. And explanations?
  18. And this is the sort of fantasy that is so realistic, you have trouble UNbelieving it… By limerancy
  19. How cool is this? Mini Gisborne reunited with Marian and Robin, and walking around Verona of all places!!! Posted by mininottingham
  20. Not sure if I already posted this, but there is a series of drabbles here of Guyxfem! Reader by fandomgalcentral

Twenty is a respectable number for the last round-up of 2017, don’t you think? My thanks at this point to the active fan community over on tumblr – for sharing their work and fan art, for their fun thoughts, and for the tireless entertainment they provide. They give me a reason to post every week, and even if it sometimes feels a bit like a chore to compile the round-ups – when I am busy or on holiday – it is nevertheless a regular opportunity for me to engage with the fandom which I enjoy. – I very much hope that you, dear readers, also still enjoy this section of my blog.

Let’s start afresh in 2018.

Thanks for reading the round-ups and for being here!

Guylty ❤️


34 thoughts on “2017 Armitage Weekly Round-up #45

  1. Thank you for continuing this. As I recall, originally, there were THREE weekly round ups – ranging from fanfiction to fanart. The other 2 dropped our sadly fast and you took on all of it. Thanks again. (Also happy New Year and thanks for putting up with my snarky ass!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy to read that you had a good Xmas! 🙂 We had good days with our families too, and we ate just too much! 😀
    I wish you a happy New Year! 🙂


  3. Taking a break from work again to indulge myself here G. Thank You 💕 for all the fun you provide. I know I’m not the only one that appreciates it, but I wanted you to know I like it, just in case there was any doubt in your mind. Happy New Year! 🎉

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh, das hatte ich föllig fergessen! Es ist ja Samstag! – Was für eine angenehme Überraschung, ein Round-up zu finden. 🙂

    Schade, die ausschweifende Motte ist nur noch für angemeldete Tumblrianer zu sehen.

    Guten Rutsch euch! 🙂


    • Ja, nach langer Zeit mal wieder einer… Wenigstens noch zum Jahresabschluss.
      Und danke für den Hinweis mit ausschweifendemotte. Muss ich mir merken, denn dann bringt es natürlich nichts, ihre Beiträge hier zu verlinken…


      • Hm, nö, ich denke, dass einige deiner Follower auch bei Tumblr sind und auch die Mottenposts sehen können, also kannst du die durchaus auch bringen. (Ich könnte ja auch einen Account anlegen, wenn ich denn wollte …)

        Die Round-ups sind für viele sicherlich auch eine gute Möglichkeit, gesammelte Leckerbissen mit einem Lesezeichen zu versehen und so ohne große Mühe wieder zu finden.

        Außerdem könnte ausschweifendemotte die Einstellung wieder ändern.


  5. I definitely look forward to your weekly roundups! Thanks for keeping them going. Glad your family Christmas events were enjoyable. I love the illustrated ode!

    I too received one Armitage-related gift… my niece made me a set of 10 laminated Richard Armitage trading cards! I couldn’t wait to open the package and so posted some pics on Dec 24. I may have to start carrying them in my back pocket for a mid-day pick-me-up!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ich wünsche dir einen guten Rutsch und alles Gute für das kommende Jahr. Mögen wir 2018 viel Grund zur Freude haben…
    Schön, dass Weihnachten so angenehm für dich war und dass es zwischen deiner Mutter und dir friedlich blieb.
    Ach so, ja und natürlich HERZLICHEN DANK für all deine Mühe ❤


    • Vielen Dank Elanor – wir hatten einen ruhigen Rutsch, quasi der passende Abschluss für ein ansonsten ebenfalls mehr oder weniger ruhiges Jahr.
      Alles Gute für 2018!


  7. Pingback: Advance Notice: RAdvent CalendRA Is Back for 2018 | Guylty Pleasure

  8. Pingback: RAdvent Calendar 2020 Is On | Guylty Pleasure

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